How to wean a child from sickness

How to wean a child from sickness

Motion sickness - a very effective method to prepare the child to sleep. Child does not cry, and closes his eyes, and after a couple of minutes later peacefully snuffle. But over time, rocking the child becomes difficult, because the child is gaining weight, and it affects parents pains in the lower back and the load on the spine. We offer several ways to weaning your baby from sickness.

Physically exhausting baby

The child, who during the day spent little energy to sleep at night is bad. Often walk on the street, encourage active play. House let your child swim in cold water, put on a special circle on the neck. In the evening action games do not need to baby was not overexcited and fell asleep easily.

Create a comfort room

Heavy air and lack of humidity, uncomfortable pillows, tight clothing, fatty foods at night - these factors can disturb the crumbs at night, not allowing him to sleep. Make sure that the room has been aired before going to bed, the clothes do not cause discomfort to the kid. Then the child will be easier to fall asleep.

Leave in the crib thing with my mother's smell

If before the child was sleeping with his mother, or simply used to having his mother rocked, the mother's smell can associate it with sleep. Leave in the crib thing, soaked mother smell. It can be a t-shirt or a special komforter - soft handkerchief in the form of toys. It is well retains odors. During feeding (unless you are breastfeeding - that at any time) it must be accompanied by five minutes to the chest. When the baby will sleep, put komforter near him, so sleep will be calmer in the child.

Replace rocking other actions

Instead, motion sickness, try stroking the baby's back or head. You can just lie down next to the baby and hug him, telling him softly in your ear impressions about the spent day.

Think of a ritual association with sleep

For example, sleep after swimming. Or after watching a cartoon or after reading a fairy tale. At first it will be difficult, but then the child gets used and after a certain ritual he will close his eyes.

Weaning baby from motion sickness - the time is not easy, but necessary. Do not expect instant results, for the child is also a novelty, and it can express its protest note. But should try, because the lives of parents, this method accurately ease.

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