How to separate the child from breastfeeding

How to separate the child from breastfeeding

Breastfeeding - an invisible thread between the mother and her baby. During this period, you and your baby very close. Breastfeeding is a great benefit. But kids are growing, and there comes a time when the child should be weaned. How to do it properly and without harm to both tell in this article.

When weaning?

According to the recommendations of pediatricians to start weaning, costs from 12 to 18 months, but it should be done slowly and correctly. Make sure that both of you are ready for it. Breast milk does not lose its beneficial properties after the execution of the 1st year baby, so do not stop feeding abruptly.

How to wean a baby from the chest procedure

  1. Gradually decrease the number of feedings. Replace one breastfeeding feeding lure. So it will be easier for the baby and for you. Gradual weaning will reduce milk production by your body and the gradual completion of lactation, without causing harm to your health.
  2. Stick to your decision to separate the crumbs from breastfeeding. Do not go on about his child when he would scream and demand his chest. Help your child to develop the ability to overcome difficulties and to settle down without the help of my mother's breast. Distract crumbs, offer the morning instead of the chest tasty porridge. Let yourself trying to eat with a spoon, the children love it. Also offer to drink from a cup-pot.
  3. In the process of weaning the baby from the breast, make sure that he was not hungry and did not feel thirst. The child should receive all the necessary nutrients and minerals in order to grow up healthy and fully develop.
  4. When a child begins to act up, telling him that he was a great and adult kids do eat with a spoon and drink from a cup. Say, for example, "At night there is no milk" or chest smeared with green paint, "You can not take sisyu is Kaka." Keep calm and ignore tantrums, it always helps. Show her crumbs, there are many other things to do with my mother.

Deciding to separate the child from the breast, spend more time with him together to replace something the proximity of the feeding is very important. More hug and kiss your baby. Your love, care and affection will help your child better cope with such a difficult task, as the separation from her mother's breast. Health to you and your kids!

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