Why does a child creaks teeth in a dream?

Why does a child creaks teeth in a dream?

The appearance of children is joy, but do not forget that along with this there are also a lot of problems that avoid, well, will not work. One such problem becomes the teeth in a dream, so let's consider the reasons for such a child's behavior and determine the way to solve a grincling at night.

Cut the teeth at night

The first thing I would like to point out is what actually creaks your teeth at night not only children. Such a problem also happens in adults, but still, most often, our little children. This behavior at night is called Bruxism (but it is worth noting that this situation happens during the day, rarely - but it happens).

Doctors cannot come to one opinion, one says that this is the most real disease, others deny this fact, but in any case, without side effects in this case it does not do. Some of them are dental problems and neurological diseases. Often, children cease to suffer with scrolls at night, after all the teeth in the mouth become indigenous.

Causes of the scraper

Abbreviation of chewing muscles that occur in involuntary form and cause a dental grinding. The friction of the upper and lower jaw, usually occurs during the chewing process (that is, food consumption), if the muscle tone on the face is elevated, then the lower and the upper teeth rub apart from each other without the usual reason.

Sometimes this problem is not obtained by parents to identify in early childhood, due to the fact that the child sleeps from birth in another room.

So, the common causes of the problem under consideration may be as follows:

  • the kid began to cut a teeth
  • bite in a child from birth wrong
  • the presence of a jaw joint defect
  • problems of psychological character
  • neurological problems
  • insufficient amount of magnesium in the body, due to which the cuts of the muscles becomes convulsive and uncontrollable
  • the presence in the organism of helminths
  • heredity

The consequences of stress

Approximately one and a half, a maximum of two years, young children are a teeth, and it is this process that causes a very strong gum territory. The crude does not have anything else, how much to squeeze the jaws or nibble everything that will fall at hand. In this case, as soon as all the teeth break out and run the gums, the baby ceases to gripe the teeth.

Do not forget that the change of dairy teeth to the indigenous, can also be accompanied by a gnash.

Stresses are another reason why kids (like adults, by the way), can be groped at night. Overpressure is the main reason for the appearance of the problem under consideration. If the child can restrain the muscular abbreviation, then at night, at rest, children do not control this process. Stressful situations that often provoke bruxism:

  • Rebuild emotions per day. This does not have to be negative emotions, they can be positive, but for children, excessive emotions of any plan are stressful.
  • For older children, the exams and other responsible events during their studies are very strong stress.
  • If a child and scandals occur in the family in the family. These are serious prerequisites for the emergence of a child of Bruxism and parents should understand this.

Doctors made an ambiguous conclusion that the teeth will be crushing at night in children directly related to stress, the reasons for which the above factors can become.

Other reasons for bruxism

If your child's crossed at night is observed for a long time and does not weaken over time, it may happen that this problem is the result of heredity. It should be analyzed if someone has a similar deviation in the family, and finding it, conclude that the cause of such a grind is really heredity and nothing more. It is also worth noting that the deviation under consideration is most often noticed by boys:

  • Gloves. Another reason for the crossed of the teeth at night by the kids. It is this reason first of all, comes mommies to mind when they heard their child creaks his teeth. Doctors argue that parasites irritate the nervous system and at the same time, contribute to the weakening of the body as a whole. At the moment, there are no other arguments and explanations about this.
  • The presence of adenoids is another reason for the problem under consideration. It can also be observed with disorders of nasal respiration.
  • If the thermoregulation in the body is violated, then the phenomenon explained to the teeth.
  • It is clear that if you do not close the window in the baby's room, or if the room in which he sleeps is too cold, he can "go" the teeth due to the cold.

Some experts claim that the reflex under consideration is a rudimentary sign, because our ancestors were forced to sharpen their fangs in order to have reliable protection from predatory animals (information is not confirmed, but this assumption has a place to be).

With the teeth, the problem of the child, then burxism can be felt, often it happens when an insufficient amount of magnesium and calcium is in the body. Dr. Komarovsky, in turn, is confident that the strong nervous system of the child is the key to a healthy sleep, so it is about the formation of such, it is necessary, first of all, to take care of parents.

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Darya 24/11/2018 at 9:33

There are many reasons, from mental disorders to a lack of vitamins, they are still talking to the worms. But you need to fight and as quickly as possible. The right thing is written in the article, it does not cause corrected harm to teeth. My little too creaked, gave mint tea as sedative and calcium vitamos, to strengthen the toys.

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