Why baby hiccups?

Why baby hiccups?

Hiccup it is annoying, but usually harmless, complaint, which proves that the diaphragm is irritated. During hiccups appear uncontrolled movement of the diaphragm. During the spasm of the diaphragm causes to displace the air suddenly. And this, in turn, is accompanied by a distinctive sound. What causes hiccups and how what to do if the baby hiccups?

Hiccups - kind of sound

Medical literature defines hiccups as a series of sudden contractions, and involuntary spasms variable aperture (muscle, which is located between the chest and abdomen). Its appearance is due to the expected closure of the pharynx not, interrupting breath and provoking its distinctive sound.
Hiccups are classified by duration:

  • Mild, temporary - when it lasts less than 48 hours.
  • Permanent - when it lasts more than 48 hours.
  • Unsolvable or unrecoverable - if it lasts more than a month.

Hiccups in babies is normal, harmless children's phenomenon. Of course, it is not beneficial for the body. However, the baby hiccup does not imply any serious problem. Possible causes hiccups newborn explained below. If your child has a problem, the main advice - keep calm and patience. No need to worry, because six months later episodes of hiccups begin to decrease.


Hiccups in infants - Causes

Hiccups in children - a completely natural thing, in principle, inseparable from the life of the baby. This often happens immediately after feeding, bathing and diaper changing, and sometimes there is no particular reason. Among all the reasons that cause hiccups, the most important are:
The main reasons for hiccups:

  • Most differential temperature difference that occurs abruptly;
  • The use of a child is too hot or too cold products;
  • Air intake from food, which later compresses the diaphragm;
  • Loud, strong laughter combined with air swallowing.
  • After a hearty meal. When a child eats too much, his stomach stretched. This can cause a sudden irritation of the diaphragm.
  • Baby eating with anxiety, too fast and not chewing food well. In the case of babies and infants it is also one of the causes of hiccups.
  • The main cause of hiccups in newborns is the immaturity of the baby's nervous system. Because this system is not yet fully formed, the phrenic nerve is not working properly. For the same reason you can observe the phenomenon of the hiccups in the fetus or premature babies.
  • Stress or anxiety. Yes, the state of anguish, stress or anxiety may be the reason that the diaphragm moves uncontrollably.


Hiccups in children - when to start worrying?

  • Baby hiccups are normal, and even if it occurs several times a day, it should not worry parents. hiccups often has positive consequences, because a surprised baby starts laughing.
  • Hiccups are almost never accompanied by the cry that our children have reported their dissatisfaction or discomfort. The problem begins when the child is tired after a long and exhausting hiccup that prevents your child to eat or sleep. Then wait for nothing - you need to quickly turn to a pediatrician.
  • If hiccups persists for more than 24 hours should seek medical attention to prevent diseases such as meningitis, otitis media, bronchitis, asthma, and even the presence of a foreign body in the ear.
  • In the most extreme case, hiccups may be a precursor of gastroesophageal reflux disease, neurological problems, gastrointestinal disorders, chest trauma, metabolic disorders and pneumonia, sore throat and larynx.


How to cure hiccups in children?

With babies you have to be very careful and patient. You can not do anything against the hiccups, but you can prevent it from happening. To do this, you must:

  • Make sure that the child is not eating with anxiety or swallowed air while eating;
  • The diaper is dry and well-dressed for a baby. If he rubs the skin;
  • It should be remembered that when bottle feeding, children no longer swallow the air, what happens when breastfeeding. It is desirable that infants under six months of breastfeeding mothers.
  • Do not wait until the child is very hungry, because it makes him worry and take in more air.
  • Do not change your clothes in places with drafts, as the temperature changes, although not sharp, can cause hiccups.
  • If you're breastfeeding, put it in a comfortable position so that it can suck the nipple is stable and does not swallow too much air. In turn, when you are feeding him with a bottle, make sure that the nipple is filled with food.

  • If your child is three months or more, we can give a warm sweet water.
  • Place it in a different position, for example, on the stomach - there's a good chance that a change in breathing rate will be effective.
  • Warming baby - you can wrap it with a blanket or a hug and squeeze it to his body. This works well in the case of hiccups caused by cooling.
  • Very gently pat on the back. But do not do it with an open hand, always slightly bent.
  • If you suspect that the cause of hiccups is to increase full stomach, just wait until the food reaches the intestines, and the symptoms disappear. To speed up the process a little bit, hold your baby in an upright position.


Interesting facts that you did not know about the hiccups

  • Hiccups accompany us even before we are born. It has been proven that the fetus also has a hiccup, even in the womb. Therefore, the hiccups are very common in newborns and infants.
  • How long is a hiccup? Typically hiccup lasts about 2 minutes. But there were hiccups, which lasted more than a day. The extreme case is a man who was 68 years of constant hiccups. This is Charles Osborne, who had hiccups from 1922 to 1990.


Remember that you can not use on children traditional methods of getting rid of the hiccups, which tried to adults!

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