How to stop sick

How to stop sick

Such a parable, as a hound, is familiar with everyone since childhood is not obstacle. Each person knows his recipe from His recipe: "Drink water", "stop breathing", "get frightened very much" ... But are they really effective? Most often, your ICOT is held for a few minutes, however, medicine knows when people were downloaded for several days a trip and did not appeal for help. If you have such a case and you can't stop icking for several hours, then set all the advice, contact your doctor immediately and do not self-medicate. But if you have an ordinary attack of ICOT, which happens to everyone, then these tips are created specifically for you.

How to stop ick fast

Almost all tips on getting rid of ICOT are aimed at changing the rhythm of your breathing. To understand why it takes exactly that way, it is better to know what ICOT represents itself - this is nothing more than ordinary spasm. Such spasms you can have in the legs, hands, torso, on the eye when it is nervously twitching. This spasm is different from other the fact that it occurred in the diaphragm.

Hold your breath

Not surprising, but this old grandmother's method also works. Just delay your breath as possible. After you are gluting the air, the respiratory rhythm will change and you will begin to breathe completely differently. It can remove spasm and remove the ICOT completely.

If you are difficult to simply delay your breath, that is, another way: drink water with small sips for so long as you can. It can help for two reasons: You will hold your breath and you work the diaphragm when drinking.

Make gymnastics

Try to take such a posture in which the position of the diaphragm will change. Perform the exercises slowly, trying to breathe smoothly. For this, asans from yoga are ideal.

One of the most effective exercises looks like this:

  • Sit down straight, put your feet in front of yourself "boat", pressed the sole of the legs to each other.
  • Make forward so much as you can.
  • Stay in this position half a minute.

Straighten and break ten seconds, then ride forward again.


Jogging at an average pace up to sweat is the perfect option. The diaphragm works very strongly when you are engaged in sports. In addition, your respiratory rhythm will completely accumulate, which will contribute to the rapid removal of spasm. Ikota will go so fast that you will not notice.

Choose for running quiet and clean places. Do not run next to the track, as there are many exhausts from cars, your lungs, like a sponge, will collect all the harmful substances.

Eat sweet or sour

Especially if you love it. Remember the taste of the lemon and you will already feel how the enhanced salivation began. It is it that affects your gastric breathing that you exercise belly. Sweep half the lemon lolly and wait a while. If it did not help you, then grasp the sweet, most importantly: do not dilute.

How to stop ICA - ICOT Prevention

Of course, spasm can happen to everyone, but some people are exposed to spasms much less than the rest. Doctors note that a healthy lifestyle is able to protect you from Icotes.

  • Engage regularly, training your lungs and a diaphragm.
  • Typing correctly and give up fat, harmful food.
  • Get out of fresh air at least once a day and walk.
  • Shing at least eight hours a day, and in chronic diseases - ten.

A healthy and active lifestyle will help you avoid not only Icotes, but also many diseases and ailments.

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