Why not dream dreams?

Why not dream dreams?

Why don't people dream of dreams? Let's find out what reasons it can happen and what is connected with.

Who dreams of dreams?

Sleep is a cyclic process that includes several phases. If a person is in the slow phase of a dream, the brain is completely relaxed, like the whole body, the heart beats slower, in some cases people even fall into the body.

The process of universal, so to speak, relaxation is useful for the body, because it is in such a state that rest can be considered full. Only in such a state it is possible to fully regenerate all tissues. Despite the fact that the whole body rests, in such a phase of sleep, the brain does not cease to work and makes a thorough processing of information that was obtained in the last 18 hours.

In the rapid sleep phase, the heart rate is accelerated, the body temperature becomes higher, the eyes rummage from side to side, in general, this state can be called excited. It is in such a state "forms" dreams.

Scientists have proven that during the night, a person can see from 3 to 5 dreams. The very first dreams are formed from what they saw the day, but which you see after midnight and closer to the morning, less real.

It should be noted that a person more often remembers or the last dream, or a dream, at the time of which he woke up. Let's find out why a person may not see dreams or do not remember them at all.

Why there are no dreams

Some are convinced that they are not dreaming of dreams, and this does not happen from birth, but from a certain point. In fact, doctors argue that everyone will dream, just not all remember them, but this is so, no one can say.

Reasons why people may not see the night of dreams:

  • In case of very strong sleep due to excessive physical or moral fatigue
  • When a person is, so to speak, "under the degree" (the brain cannot cope with everything that is happening in a person in the head in such a state, and it turns out that the memories are simply "erased" because the memory simply does not work).
  • If a person is in harmony with him, and does not experience any emotional bursts. The man is too calm and does not worry about anything.
  • The presence of snoring (it is believed that such sounds are knocked down all the dreams). Very often, people who snoring do not remember their dreams, which is another confirmation of the theory under consideration.
  • Awakening from a sharp burst of emotions or other factors from the outside.

  • If a person has prescribed drugs that brain activity slow down.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the change of sleepy mode can also cause non-dreams. In the period of adaptation, the brain simply does not remember pictures. Images and plots that saw them. Among other things, the disappearance of the dream and dream can also change, this happens often.

If we talk in general, then the main reason for the absence of a person in a person is its emotional state. It is worth noting that for a long time you will not dream of any dreams, it is worth seeking help for a doctor, because it is impossible to name this state.

Lack of dreams for medical theory

Specialists in the field of medicine are confident that dreams are given to us in order for the brain to absorb the information they need (despite the fact that we see sometimes solid nonsense). It can be said that this information for assimilation is encoded or encrypted. This is not an assumption, but the conclusion from the work done. An experiment was conducted, in which it was proved that people who had dreams of dreams at night, reproduced a certain material at times better than those who had not seen dreams at night.

European neurophysiologists are confident that dreams that come to us at night are the simulation of death. During the clarification of the question under consideration, it was revealed that during strong sleep hormones. Together with the dopamine, it is stopped stand out (a similar situation occurs with animals). Such a mechanism in science is called auxine, the so-called protective function by simulating death. To whom the dreams do not lie, such a protective function is simply missing.

In turn, neurobiology from Finland believe that seeing dreams for the human body. As for human life, it is very helpful. Because it is in dreams that we live a different kind of situation, sometimes deadly, and therefore in reality, a person will be prepared for all sorts of situations.

I want to see dreams

If you are disturbing that at night you do not see dreams, there are several tips, following which you can watch "Films" at night:

  • Take care of your day planning, the mode and placement of all events will help you to spend a productive day, but at the same time not to be worn, and therefore the likelihood that you will have a dream, great enough.

  • As soon as you woke up, do not get up sharply, lie back in bed for 5-7 minutes, it contributes to the normal functioning of the body during the day.
  • Put the alarm clock for 3 o'clock in the morning. To wake up during the rapid sleep phase, and thus, after you launch again. You will definitely dream sleep.
  • Exercise, exercise facilitates the formation of normal, healthy dreams.

Do not worry too much that you do not see dreams, some, on the contrary. would give much to not see them.

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