What dreams the staircase up?

What dreams the staircase up?

To see in a dream some item does not mean at all that it will be some kind of omen, it is important, in what environment and under what circumstances you saw it. Values \u200b\u200bmust be betrayed with objects and creatures that are the main "heroes" of sleep, although in some cases, and the details play an important role. Let's find out what the staircase can dream and how to decipher a dream in which it is an important subject.

Dreams with a staircase

The staircase in a dream can be as a secondary subject that does not have to betray the values \u200b\u200band the main thing when the whole dream is based on this very staircase. If a person does not remember all his sleep, and the only thing that remains in his memory is a staircase, and some details about it, it means that it is worth attaching importance to it and try to deal with what he dreamed.

Details are very important, the circumstances in which the staircase dreams. If you are a builder, and saw the staircase in a dream - it is not worth worrying about this, as it is just a professional perception, and not more than one.

If you were on the excursions and somewhere highly climbed the stairs, then sleep with the participation of this subject means only that you are tired so climbing or descending on it that even in a dream your brain reproduces everything that was the day before this night .

Deciphering sleep

So, let's talk about decoding this sleep and possible omensions after that:

  • If you move the whole dream up the stairs, it means that purposefully go to your goal, and while everything succeeds. The likelihood that the goal will soon be achieved is quite large. It is also worth noting that any movement up in a dream is a positive sign and foreshadows up up status, health, career, etc.
  • If in a dream you raise the staircase and carry it somewhere - it means that everything is in your hands, you yourself are the Creator of your happiness and independently choose our way to achieve the goal, always make the right decisions and you can achieve any goal in front of it On your way there are no obstacles, and if they appear, it will be handled with them not a problem.
  • If you walked on the stairs and at some point fell from it, it means that in reality your efforts and efforts will be ultimately unsuccessful: if you have invested in some reason, and even if it seems that everything is, here - Let us succeed, in the end, you will prograte if you are engaged in agriculture, then, most likely, this year, you are waiting for a bad harvest, if you waited for a long time to increase and did everything that you can for this - unfortunately, will increase Someone else, but not you.

  • If you saw a broken staircase in a dream - it means everything around you, all plans and things will crumble, so to speak, overnight. If you saw such a staircase and began to repair it yourself, it means that you can still save, and all depend on the end, will be only from you.
  • If you managed to escape from the conclusion, captivity, from the gangsters, with prison with the help of a ladder is a good sign. So with all the difficulties and packets that your cheaps make for you, you can cope very simply, without any difficulty. Career will go up, respect and new status - you are guaranteed.
  • If in a dream you climb the stairs and at the same time feel how your head is spinning - it means very soon too serious ascent. Take off in matters and life, you will not be easy to worry, you will experience and badly feel until you get used to this state.

Sleep on Freud.

Freud has his own vision of this dream. In his opinion, the staircase is the personification of a person's life, and depending on what is happening in a dream with this subject, and how it is associated with it, it is possible to understand what a dream seen:

  • If you run on the stairs up - all your undertakings and aspirations will also move up, everything will be obtained in life, everything will be quickly and rapidly move towards the peak of happiness.
  • If there is no beloved person in life, then in the near future you will find it, or rather, he himself suddenly comes to you, as a magic wand. If career growth did not come, it's very soon, you just take off the career ladder, achieving even more than I wanted.
  • If you saw a man or a woman on the stairs, it means that in sexual terms you will soon open your partner fully, thereby strengthening close relationships with him.
  • Fall from the stairs, it means completely and everything is largely disappointed in its sexual partner, and both in a person, and both in the sex machine. In this case, if the desire to keep the relationship with him is, it will be necessary to make a lot of effort to return to the former acne and passion in the relationship, without this, there will be no return road.

Dream Tsvetkov

In this dream interpret, everything is quite trite, but it is understandable and logical:

  • You go up the stairs - success awaits you
  • You go down - in affairs are waiting for difficulties, as in personal life, because such a procession is down the sign of the decline in a person's life, and in all spheres.
  • If the staircase is on your way, but at the same time, there is no entry on it or there are difficulties on the way that you do not let you get up - this is the projection of your life path, that is, you have some kind of purpose to achieve which you It will be necessary to go through problems. Difficulties and obstacles and from how you decide and overcome, and will depend on your work.

In fact, the staircase is the projection of our life and on what, so to speak, it will dream and will depend on the decryption of seen sleep.

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