What dreams miss the train?

What dreams miss the train?

Being late for a train - a nuisance that can interfere with your plans, sometimes radically change the future life. If you dreamed that you are the loser, who sees the tail of the train or by the efforts still have time to jump into the last car, there is a desire to learn, which means sleep with disturbing overtones?

Interpretation of Miller

Dreaming late for the train - the unpleasant dream, affecting personal and business qualities of the person and talking about his nesobrannosti, carelessness, irresponsibility. Note and review the important areas of your life.

  • I dreamed that missed the train - dream about your unrealized possibilities, which include business, financial and personal life. You could not do what planned, and this had all the prerequisites. The train has left, taking the last unfulfilled hopes and dreams.
  • Take your time to collect thingsTo catch a train means that you have to be more dynamic in real life. You will not take your time, but subconsciously afraid of being late and miss something important in your life.
  • Hurrying to jump into the last carMeans that you are an indecisive person, and it makes it difficult to take the risk and to implement planned, not looking back
  • If girl missed the train, Meaning that it was not trying to get him. Perhaps she pulls a serious conversation or can not say to a person in the eyes, that had long been planning to do.
  • If a young man in the late train, He will have problems in business or at work.
  • You had to jump into the last car - it's a great sign. All that is mapped to decide positively, without any effort on your part.

Interpretation of Freud

German psychiatrist in the interpretation of dreams pays great attention to intimate aspects of human life. Dreams of late renowned scientist treats, as the embodiment of sexual fantasies, unfulfilled relationships and lost love affairs.

  • You dream that you are chase after the trainSo your sex life does not satisfy you.
  • If a hurry rill in the car of the outgoing train - Old relationships do not leave you and you wish to resume them.
  • Catch up the train on Perron - the desire to correct annoying mistakes in personal life and you grab in the last possibility
  • Hurry up to the station, convulsively stuffing things in a suitcase, catching a taxi, means that you consider to be guilty in all of your partner problems. Trying to distance themselves from problems, you are increasingly aggravated by risking to stay alone with your resentments and complaints.

Interpretation by Wange.

Often dreams late for a train or other transport suggest that in real life you often find yourself in such a situation that prevents you from living and talking about your character in which there are:

Pedantrythat does not give you to make rapid actions and make quick decisions. Your petty makes you spend your life on trifles, permanent fear late to work, do not have time for an important event keeps you in fear, which injures your psyche and does not give to relax even in a dream.

Nealablife and disadvantagepresent in your life, not just in dreams. Looking forward to studying, work, a date or promise and not to do is a normal phenomenon that is repeated with enviable regularity day after day. Perhaps it is not disturbing you and sleep can be viewed as the transfer of the day event in a dream.

Indecision- This is your weak line. Perhaps in a dream you understand that you do not want to go on the train, but you can not refuse because of your indecision. Wishing the situation to be decided without your participation to be trusted by circumstances. If you do not learn how to make decisions, you can live a life without being the object of what is happening, and not the subject. Urgently review your life, because this in the train is nothing more than your life and time that goes irretrievably.

The train symbolizes the time, and the cars segments of your life have passed or new. If you are late for the train, because of your indecision, lose the chance to return the missed or start a new life, joking in the car of the outgoing train. Decide on the choice of which wagon will be, you can only have the main thing. If you dream that you did not have time and were late for the train, you need to reconsider your life and try to change, so as not to become a hostage of my own indecision, passivity and inactivity.

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