How baby translate to another school

How baby translate to another school

If your child feels bad in the current school, you are not satisfied with the teachers or you have other good reasons for changing the educational institution, then you can try to change it, but get ready for you that you have a long way, bow to patience and nerves. In the case when you change the school because of the move, the algorithm of action becomes completely different than in the first case. On such a translation of the child, you have a complete right and you need to defend it firmly. Whatever your reason, you can always try your strength and get the desired. Try to note the tips from this article and proceed to the translation as quickly as possible.

How a child translate to another school when moving

This is the easiest way, since with the new registration you automatically arise the right to study at the place of residence. Find out what school your address is attached and contact it. Of course, it is better to do it in advance until the child is still in his school.

If you do not know which school to turn, then go to the district department of the national education. There you will be prompting the school number, and moreover, they will give it a direction that will be a significant argument in making a decision by director.

In addition, you need to know in advance how good is this school. If your child has studied in a strong lyceum, and you are offered an ordinary school, you may not like it, and vice versa. In this case, you better contact the second step of this article.

How a child translate to another school for personal demand

Suppose you are not satisfied with the teachers in the current school or you do not like the training program as a whole, a frequent occasion and bad relationship with classmates. All this leads to what you should change the school to the desired one.

As a rule, all the best schools in the city are overcrowded, and new students do not accept, but if this is the end of the school year, then you may try good luck, because all the years there are all changes.

As an option, if the situation is not acute - stand in line and wait until the new school appears. As soon as you inform about him, translate the child from the old school, without tearing off from studying.

Most often, you have to talk for a long time with the director, to convey to him the importance of translation. Specify how your child copes well with learning and how disciplined, as well as what this school is your goal.

What documents will be needed when transferring a child to another school

Whatever the reason for leaving the former school, you will need a package of documents:

  • Take care of a child's medical card from the old school. From the very first class, each kid has its card, which is filled with a school physician.
  • If you are moving during the school year, you need to take all the current children's marks. They are written by a cool leader and puts his signature.
  • Personal business, it is stored at the director in the archive.
  • Parent passports.
  • Your application for accepting a child. It must be free, however, reflect all the reasons for the translation of your Chad. With compilation, as a rule, helps the secretary.

All this package you provide a new school school when the final decision has already been accepted.

Remember that changing the educational institution is always stress for a child, even if he is already familiar with the class. Perhaps he will have something at first. Help him and show that you fully support the child.

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