How to write explanatory to school

How to write explanatory to school

The explanatory note must be submitted to the educational institution of your child on the very first day of his return. It should explain in detail the reasons for the skipping of classes, from which for what time the child was missing, put their signature and be sure to date. Most often, explanatory are written in arbitrary form, but some rules remain unchanged for many years. What criteria is better to adhere to this note, you will learn in this article.

Take the cap of the explanatory note: in the upper right corner, write the name, surname and the patronymic of the person who is addressed to the document. If possible, enter the position, for example, the "director" or the "class teacher".

Below place the school number and its full name.

In about the middle of the sheet, specify the name of your explanatory note document.

From the Red Line, describe the reason for the passing of training schools by the child, start your text from the instructions of the full name of your child, and then the dates and time of the absence at school.

In the lower right corner, sign your last name and initials. On the contrary, in the left corner - the date of writing explanatory.

The signature is placed in an arbitrary place for more accurate content, it is better to place it next to your last name.

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