How to translate mixed fraction in decimal

How to translate mixed fraction in decimal

In school classes, they study how to translate a mixed fraction in decimal. This skill will help to solve more complex examples and tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out in detail in the algorithm of actions.

Mixed and decimal fraction

To understand the technique of translating data data, let's give important definitions.

  • Ordinary fraction is used to calculate the number of fractions and is represented as N / M, where N and M natural numbers. For example: 5/10, 21/12, 46/87.
  • The correct fraction is an ordinary fraction in which the numerator is less than the denominator. For example: 6/14, 8/10.
  • Incorrect fraction - on the contrary, the denominator is less than the numerator. For example: 9/5, 16/7.
  • Mixed fraction - fraction, which consists of an integer number and proper fraction. For example: 5 2/3.
  • Decimal fraction - fraction in the decimal system, which is expressed by the comma. For example: 0.36, 5.7.

The main stages of the transfer of mixed fraction in decimal

Translate mixed fraction in ordinary

We use mixed fraction 1 8/9. We translate it into an ordinary fraction. To do this, an integer 1 is multiplied by a denominator 9 and add a numerator 8. The resulting number indicate in the numerator. As a result, the ordinary fraction has a form 17/9.

Run the division process

Use the division division method:

  • We take the numerator and divide it to the denominator.
  • Draw an auxiliary plate.
  • The number 9 is placed in number 17 exactly once.
  • Therefore, at the number of nine we write 1 and put the comma.

17 – 9 = 8

  • We demolish down 0 and get 80.
  • The number 9 is placed among the 80 equally eight times.
  • Put the number 8.

80 – 72 = 8

Further actions will be repeated to infinity, because Number 8, in our case, is in the period.

Therefore, in the process of translation, this answer turned out:

17/9 = 1,(8)

If there is an opportunity to round down the decimal fraction, then it turns out 1.89.

During the division of the numerator to the denominator, an ordinary decimal fraction can be formed without periods and round brackets. The division method remains similar. However, when subtracting numbers in the column should form a residue zero. At this stage, the division is completed and the decimal fraction is ready.

The division of fractions is a rather interesting and affordable process, which requires the care of human attentiveness. When performing a large number of tasks on this topic, the algorithm for the circulation of mixed fraction in decimal will increase the speed and quality of solving problems.


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