How to find the volume of the pyramid

How to find the volume of the pyramid

To find the volume of the pyramid, you need to know several formulas. Consider them.

How to find the volume of the pyramid - the 1st way

The volume of the pyramid can be found with the help of the height and the area of \u200b\u200bits base. V \u003d 1/3 * s * h. For example, if the height of the pyramid is 10 cm, and its base is 25 cm 2then the volume will be equal to V \u003d 1/3 * 25 * 10 \u003d 1/3 * 250 \u003d 83.3 cm 3

How to find the volume of the pyramid - 2nd way

If at the base of the pyramid lies the correct polygon, then it is possible to find its volume according to the following formula: V \u003d Na 2h / 12 * TG (180 / N), where a is the side of the lying in the base of the polygon, and n is the number of its parties. For example: Based on the right hexagon, that is, n \u003d 6. Since it is correct, all of it is equal, that is, all A are equal. Let's say a \u003d 10, and h - 15. Insert numbers in the formula and get an approximate answer - 1299 cm 3

How to find the volume of the pyramid - 3rd way

If at the base of the pyramid lies an equilateral triangle, then its volume can be found according to the following formula: V \u003d HA 2/ 4√3, where A is the side of the equilateral triangle. For example: the height of the pyramid is 10 cm, the base side is 5 cm. The volume will be equal to V \u003d 10 * 25/4 3 = 250/43. Usually what happened in the denominator is not calculated and left in the same form. You can also multiply the numerator, and the denominator for 4 3. We get 1000. 3/48. By shorting, we get 125. 3/6 cm 3.

How to find the volume of the pyramid - 4th way

If at the base of the pyramid lies the square, then its volume can be found according to the following formula: V \u003d 1/3 * H * A 2Where a - side of the square. For example: height - 5 cm square side - 3cm V \u003d 1/3 * 5 * 9 \u003d 15 cm. 3

How to find the volume of the pyramid - the fifth way to

If the pyramid is a tetrahedron, that is, it has all the facets - equilateral triangles, find the volume of a pyramid can be according to the following formula: V \u003d a 3√2 / 12 where a - a rib of the tetrahedron. For example: the edge of the tetrahedron \u003d 7. V \u003d 7 * 7 * 7√2 / 12 \u003d 343 cm 3

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