How to find a perimeter and a rectangle area

How to find a perimeter and a rectangle area

Among the inexhaustible variety of geometric shapes there are those that are most applicable in our lives, for example, parallelograms, a circle, oval, and others. Geometric shapes everywhere, in connection with this, it is often necessary to determine their numerical characteristics: an area, perimeter, volume.

The rectangle has many distinctive features, based on which the rules for calculating its various numeric characteristics have been developed. So rectangle:

  • this is a flat geometric figure;
  • this is a quadrilateral;
  • this is a figure that the opposite sides are equal and parallel, all the corners are direct, i.e. On 90. °.

Consider finding the values \u200b\u200bof the perimeter and the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle on a specific example:

  • there is a rectangle ABCD;
  • the parties AB and CD are 5 cm;
  • parts BC and AD are 7 cm.


The perimeter or length of the border of the rectangle is the sum of the lengths of all sides of the shape. Based on this, the perimeter of the rectangle is calculated by the summation of the numerical values \u200b\u200bof all four sides. Perimeter ABCD \u003d 5 + 7 + 5 + 7 \u003d 2 ×5 + 2×7 \u003d 24 cm.


To calculate the rectangle area there is a simple formula: the figure of the figure is equal to the product of any two adjacent parties having a common angle. Area ABCD \u003d AB × AC \u003d 5. × 7 \u003d 35 cm.


Calculations are carried out in one action without the use of complex computing equipment.

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