How to find a height in a rectangular triangle

How to find a height in a rectangular triangle

Height perpendicular, coming from the vertex of the triangle and spent before its opposite side. The method for solving the problem of finding the height in the rectangular triangle should be chosen depending on the condition.

Find a height in a rectangular triangle through the work formula

If the lengths of the parts (or their ratio) are known to which the height divides the hypotenuse, then it is possible to find it through the product of the lengths of these segments.

The formula for calculating the height:

CH \u003d √BH * HA

Find a height in a rectangular triangle through the triangle area

  • If, by the condition, the area of \u200b\u200bthe triangle is known, then it is possible to easily express the formula for calculating height: the private double-wing area of \u200b\u200bthe triangle and hypotenuses:

CH \u003d 2S / AB

CH-Height, Triangle S-Area, AB Hypotenuse

  • Also this formula can be written in the form of a private product of cathets and hypotenuses:

CH \u003d AC * BC / AB

Find a height in a rectangular triangle through the radius of the described circle

If a circle is described around the triangle, its radius is known, then the height can be calculated using the formula of the private product of cathets and a double radius of the circle.

HC \u003d AC * CB / 2FO

Find a height in a rectangular triangle through an angle sinus

  • The height can be found if you multiply the sinus of one of the sharp corners to the prigious cathet.

This looks like the formula:

h \u003d AB * SIN A

  • Another option: Multiply the segment of the hypotenuse on the tangent of the adjacent acute angle.

h \u003d DC * TG C

Using these formulas, it is easy to find the height of the rectangular triangle. Knowledge about finding height is often used in solving many geometric tasks, therefore it is one of the most basic formulas for geometry.

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