How to find a cube

How to find a cube

There are 3 main ways to find the area of \u200b\u200bCuba. Each is applied depending on the condition of the task. Consider each of them.

How to find the volume of Cuba - Method 1

The easiest way to find the volume of Cuba is the construction of one of his ribs into the cube. Since the cube has all 12 ribs equal, then the formula looks like that v \u003d a 3 or v \u003d a * a * a. If the condition is given to the edge, insert its value in the formula and get the correct answer. If the rib length is not given - you will have to find it first. Example: the edge of the cube is 5 cm. Find volume. V \u003d A. 3 = 53 = 125

How to find a cube - method 2

It is possible to find the volume of the cube using the Cuba surface area formula: S \u003d 6A 3. Say, surface area Cuba \u003d 54 cm 2. Then A. 2 \u003d 54/6 \u003d 9. A, respectively \u003d 3. V \u003d 3 3 \u003d 27 cm 3.

How to find a cube - method 3

In the event that we know the diagonal of one of the edges (it is important to remember that the diagonal is not Cuba, namely, the edges), then dividing it on √2, you will receive the length of the edge of the cube, that is, a. After that, according to the old good formula, I will be erected in the cube and get the correct answer.

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