How to find an equal strength

How to find an equal strength

Well, if the student is trying to understand the teacher at school, does not miss classes, at home performs all tasks. Then it is easier for him to apply his knowledge in his life, it does not have to return to subjects again. Physics for many - not easy science. And for work just necessary discipline. In particular, it studies such physical quantities as the forces that act on the body. We are interested in the self-absorbing all forces, let's consider in detail in detail how to find it.

This force, however,, like any other - vector value, has a starting point, direction, is measured in Newton. In ISO (inertial reference system), the equal direction is aimed at the same side as acceleration. The power module is equivalent to the geometric sum of all other forces that act on the body. According to the second law of Newton: Fp \u003d Ma, where a is acceleration, M is the mass of equal-acceleratedly moving body.

When the subject is not moving, the strength of interest is equal to zero. For example, a ruler lies on the inclined surface. Thanks to strength of gravity, the strength of friction does not affect the acceleration. The sum of all three forces is 0. The line is alone.

Calculate the value of the FR for the item that is pushed in one direction with F1 \u003d 15 H, F2 \u003d 25 H. The picture will look like this:

F1 ⇒

F2 ⇒

Hence: FR \u003d F1 + F2 \u003d 15 + 25 \u003d 40 H, the forces used to the body have the same direction that is equal equal to their sum.

If the subject to attach forces aimed at opposite directions, then FP - resultant will be equated to their difference. Example: One student takes the hand to the other. The first applies the force F1 \u003d 0.1 H, the second - 0.3 n, Fp \u003d 0.3 - 0.1 \u003d 0.2 H. How to solve the simplest tasks, you can see here: Examples of problems in physics on the topic: Resultant force.

Equal strength equal difference

We analyzed only simple examples of solving tasks in physics. In the tasks, knowledge of geometry will be needed. There, to find the vector of force, you need to remember theorems, be able to find a hypotenuse, a triangle according to the specified catheu And the corner, know what sine is, cosine angle, how to find a rectangle diagonal. Download on our portal examples of determining the resultant force by the analytical method.

So, to solve complex tasks to the resultant force, write "given", all values \u200b\u200bare transferred to the required units of measurement: KN in Newtons, grams per kilograms, etc. Draw a drawing, indicate which forces affect objects, rightly draw the vectors direction. The next step is to make the equations, decide They remember all the rules from mathematics, theorems (as described above) from geometry.

Deciding to enter the university, where the result of the exam in physics will need, as often as possible, make the tasks of different levels of complexity. To facilitate the drawing drawings on the draft, make all the solutions. Learn to think correctly, feel free to contact the teacher with questions. Do not forget about Newton's laws, they are often used to find values. Practicing this approach, in the future you will handle the task of any complexity.

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