Crafts from plasticine in the form of colors will always be interested in adults and children. Make beautiful and original flowers are simple enough, and they will definitely serve as an excellent addition to any holiday.
How to make a flower-rose from plasticine?
For the manufacture of a rose flower, you will need:
- plasticine;
- plasticine stack;
- playing or other plastic surface for work.
By choosing the appropriate color for the manufacture of roses, proceed to work.
- To begin with, download round balls of small sizes (the size of the balls depends on what kind of rose is necessary).
- Give the balls a spinner in the form of a circle
- Find the resulting mugs one to another.
- We fold all the folded circles with a tube, while forming a bud.
- It turns out a beautiful and original rose. Now it is possible to make stem and petals to her.
- For the stem, we roll off the thin strip of green plasticine, and for the manufacture of the sheet, cut the circle and give it a sheet form.
Yellow plasticine dandelion
Beautiful, yellow dandelion will become an excellent addition to any flower arrangement of plasticine.
For the manufacture of dandelion, it will also be needed plasticine, stack and a boards for work.
- Initially, we make an oblong sausage from plasticine.
- Slightly pressing on the made "sausage" and thus everyone is well smoothed so that everything turns out exactly and smoothly.
- Next, we take the stack and on the tips of the circle we make small cuts, as shown in the figure.
- The resulting flagery is folded into the tube.
- It turned out, beautiful and miniature dandelion!
Chrysanthemums from plasticine
From plasticine you can make even such beautiful flowers like chrysanthemums. For their manufacture, there will also be required plasticine of absolutely any color.
- It is necessary, as in the version with a rose, download small balls, after which it is easy to split them so that there are mugs.
- Next, we make petals in a flower, for this you need to make small, but neat cuts. Such outcropped circles need to do several.
- Insert harvested chrysanthemum petals into each other.
- As a result, we get a bright and colorful flower of plasticine.
Flower - Calla of plasticine
- Such a flower is made easier than everyone else.
- We take a round ball of plasticine and flatten it so that the plasticine gets a smooth surface. The plurality of the circle should be slightly oblong.
- We make a small and thin harness from plasticine of another color. In the manufacture of the flower, it is better to pick up neutral colors. For example, if a white flower, then the stitch is yellow.
- We attach a small flagellum to the mug and make the stem in the same way as the chip.
- Lightly bend the edge of the mug, forming it under the flower.
- Flower ready!
Production of plasticine simple flowers
Beautiful field flowers very quickly and just make.
- For this option, first need to make 5-6 small shape balls, approximately 2-3 cm (size depends on the desired result).
- Next, these balls must be smoothly flattened and impose on each other. There should be 3-4 layers.
- After that, riding a small flagellum of another color and cut it into small cubes.
- We put these cubes on the middle of the flower.
- At the request of this flower you can make stem and leaves.
In the manufacture of flowers from plasticine, it turns out such a wonderful picture.
If you like video tutorials for the manufacture of colors from plasticine, you can view the video.