How to choose a fishing rod

How to choose a fishing rod

Fishing is an excellent occupation for joint recreation with family or friendsMore togo, similar pastime brings their fruittasty and usefulcatch. His diversity depends not only from skill fisherman, but and featuresdesigns fishing rods. To catch fish his dreams can with help next species fish.

Type Fishing

The type of rod depends on its design and the presence of components. In the fishing store it is possible to choose a fishing rod:

  • holistic (solid);
  • composite.

First preferably use v volume case, if you beingnear from places fishing, and to you no necessible her transport. Compoundintended for facilities transportation on large distances.

View of Fishing

In the process of choosing a certain type, the fishing rod should consider the planned fishing place and the features of the catch. The following rods are given:

  • float

Most common tackle. TO her benefits can attract simplicity, low cost price, sensitivity. Main elements fishing rods: coil, sinker, bright float, durable lesk, hook and rod. WITH help hEREcan catch practically anyone fish.

  • telescopic

This fishing rod universal. It has katuchkeeper. Acquire rod canhow with rings, so and without. Necessary ratiolength fastening knee. to clutch6:1.

  • spinning

Spinning rod comfortable to fish with overgrowth grass shores or on boatFishing rod gives possibility study fishing fishes on big distances. WITH helpspinning comfortable catch predatory fish.  Fishing rod designed forprofessional rybakov.

Length Fishing

The basic principles of the choice of the length of the rod are the features of the location of fishing and the age of fisherman.

  • 4 meters

Suitable for novika or teenager. Used for hunt on fish about 0.5 kg v mesal cophes trees and shustarnikov.

  • 5 meters

The most chassis and universal.

  • More than 6 meters

Fit for fishing over long distances, but rather heavy in use.

Fishing material

The tool material is quite diverse. Differences from each other are in the specifics of use and cost. There are such materials rods like:

  • fiberglass
  • crawly
  • bamboo
  • hazel
  • cane

Most wear-resistant are fiberglass fishing rods, so how their can withsureness leave on s sand surfaces and v water. Cost price fishing rodslow, therefore quality enough low on compare with other her colleaguesThis fishing rod great fits for newbies.

If you want to select more expensive option, note attention on fishing fromcarbon fiber. They more lungs and comfortable for long classes fishing. WITH theirhelp can catch fish any masses.

Rings rods

Rings needless for distributions load at fishing fishes. Their structure mustto be smooth. That's why v process purchases fishing rods couple rings one linie andmake razros. Axis rings should stay on former place. How definewhich number rings best?

  • 3-4 rings are suitable for fishing fishing rods;
  • 6-8 rings are considered as a standard set on the middle fish;
  • 10-12 Rings are an excellent option for a large catch.

Therefore, the more the amount of the rings of your fishing rod, the better.

so, diversity fish enough wide. TO basic factors choice toy orother models relate professionalism fisherman, location, weather conditionsand weight fishes. Take away seriously to purchase this tool. 80% successyou fishing concludes exactly v quality rod.

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