How to make feeder tackle on bream?

How to make feeder tackle on bream?

Experienced fishermen know that when catching bream is heavier than one and a half kilograms, the feeder snap is an indispensable element. Let's consider here today, which is such a snap and how to make it with your own hands.

The need to snap and its features

The tackles under consideration can be used to prepare in the spring, because it is before spawning that you can bring home a good bream catch. It is also necessary to remember that the bream is in the souls are found in the reservoirs where there is no too strong current, so that quiet locations are exactly what you need for fishing in question. In this case, the bends of the reservoirs and some turns, of various kinds of bay - the habitat of the bream.

Everything else, bream is a fish, which is comfortable at the depth, so it should be considered when looking for a place of fishing of this fish. At night, the bream goes to the shallow and the Plesa, where the depth does not exceed two meters, but in the morning the fish goes to depth.

Immediately, we note that in myself the bream is very dirty and at the same time, neat, which is why your feeder snap must necessarily be obedient, neat, can be said delicate. Remember when you catch the bream you need to abide by silence, especially if you decide to go to the "hunt" in the night.

Details of the equipment

One of the main components of the equipment under consideration is a rod. The size of this part depends on how far from the coast you are going to catch the bream and in which reservoir:

  • lake
  • bay
  • wide river, etc.

Process nuances:

  • If it is necessary to throw a fishing rod, 50-100 meters, then a carbon rod becomes the ideal option, the length of which is usually at least 4 meters. Rods of fast-building can also be used in those situations when you have to tear off the bottom of the feeder very quickly, spending it on the brow.
  • The test of such a rod should be at least 85 g, because a heavier test makes it possible to use a heavy feeder in the process of fishing on bream. In turn, thanks to such a severe coil, the fisherman can do without problems and special difficulties of distant cast.
  • If the reservoir, where the fisherman hunts to bream, a very small - a lake or a fill, then the blanks, the length of which 3.5 meters will become the perfect option for the neighboring rods. In the event that a wicker type was used in feeder tackle, then it is not recommended to use rods, where bandwidth rings are fixed. Do not forget to take a few vertices about the reserve for such fishing.

  • You need to choose the coil too with the mind. In this case, the appropriate option will not be a very heavy coil (it all depends on the rod). When you choose the fishing line, it must be borne in mind that the lips of the fish under consideration are sufficiently soft and with a sufficiently strong cover simply will turn off the hook along with the prey. Most often use a monofilic line, the thickness of which does not exceed 0.3 mm. The main property of this fishing line is the possibility of rapidly stretching it, so during a strong jerk, such a fishing line will be absorbed, and therefore the likelihood that the catch will be reduced, will be reduced at times.

The feeder tackle is an excellent assistant on water bodies, where there are various kinds of irregularities and dads, as well as the bottom of the sludge. Among other things, the structure of the Tackle under consideration is quite simple, this is another reason for its prevalence among experienced fishermen. This process is as follows:

  • First you need to make a loop on the fishing line, and, double. If it is a woven fishing line, then the triple loop is exactly what is needed in this case.
  • After that, we attach a leash to it. After 17 cm, it will be necessary to do, the so-called twist, the length of which should be centimeters 12.
  • To the earlier loop must be attached to the feeder. To do this, use carbine.
  • If you do not want the tackle to be confused, it is better to make a loop length for several centimeters less than the removal itself, which is done for a leash.
  • In order for the overhilant there is no so much, you need to make the first 12 cm leash by twist. Its length in this case will be approximately 0.9 m. In the case of an active Kleva, this indicator will be 0.4 meters, with a passive KLEVE - 95 mm.

Installation of equipment

There are two types of such a snap, let's start considering the inline method. This method is the most popular among fishermen, which is why we will consider it more:

  • We take a fishing line, a small piece and make a dual-type loop.
  • After the process produced, fastened on the fastener of the swivel.
  • The second end of the fishing line will also be involved, it will be necessary to skip the limiter. As such details, you can use a vinyl tube or a bead. The presence of the part in question is mandatory that the feeder can somehow damage the knot itself.

  • Through the trough you need to skip the fishing line and put the limiter immediately.
  • After that, we do neatly loops (some use in this case instead of a swivel).
  • The length of the resulting snap should not exceed 45 cm. To the main fishing line attach the loop and the edge. To the loop, secure leash, the length of which will be 10-12 cm.

As it became clear from the above information, you can make yourself a feeder tackle without much difficulty and can be able to cope with this task, who knows the sequence of this process.

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