How to make a drawing board?

How to make a drawing board?

How comfortable when there is a blackboard at hand, on which you can write something to not forget or take your child. Of course, in the store you can buy a drawing board, but such pleasure will be done in a penny. We suggest you try to independently make such a board, because it is interesting, and also economically beneficial.

Child Nuances

Today, the walls of the griffel and drawing boards are very popular goods among consumers and it is not surprising. Because this item is very convenient and functional, especially if your children have children who are calm hard. It should also be noted that the drawing board is perfect for any interior, because their variety is striking. Cerenately, their price is low, it is impossible, which is why we suggest you try to make such a board yourself.

Among other things, with an independent manufacture of the subject matter under consideration, the creator has the ability to determine the color and size, that is, make the board so that it is ideal for the color scheme and style in some room.

For those who still decided to take this step, it is necessary to know that everything starts with the choice of stylist paint, because the final result of your effort will depend on this factor.

Today, the following manufacturers occupy the following manufacturers in the market of the colors:

  • Siberia.
  • Rust-oleum
  • Tikkurila

In this list of manufacturers, Siberia is the best, but we immediately note that the price policy is an order of magnitude higher, but if the conversation is about choosing a high quality paint, then they simply do not have competitors:

  • Used crumb from marble, and not from cement like the other manufacturers
  • Pleasible to the touch, especially, this factor is clear to children who love smooth surfaces.

Decoration with paints of such a manufacturer is becoming easier, because there are several shades of the dark

Benefits on face, but at the same time, other manufacturers cannot be called not obliged, so it is possible to solve only you, where and what kind of paint to acquire.

Materials and tools

In addition to paint, you will need more:

  • tassel (bristle which must be tough)
  • primer

The sequence of actions in the process under consideration is as follows:

  • First, the selected surface need to be processed - grinding and putting it
  • After the processes produced, it is necessary to predict the surface as it should (pay enough attention to this process, because in many respects it is precisely the quality of the primer will depend on the quality of the drawing board).
  • We are waiting until the primer dry completely, after which we apply the chalome paint. Some masters are confident that the formation of the foundation is not a mandatory process, so that it is possible to cover the glass immediately without any preliminary preparation.

Paint do it yourself

If you decide to cook paint yourself and do not want to buy a ready-made product, then you will need to know the correct recipe for this mixture:

  • 250 ml of latex paint (it should be dark color), you can also use acrylic paint
  • 4 teaspoons of powder (used tiled welding)
  • hard brush
  • high-quality primer

The cooking process is simple:

  • we mix the grout and the selected paint
  • thoroughly mix the finished mixture until it becomes homogeneous (there should be no lumps in it).
  • On the purified surface, we apply the resulting mixture and we obtain a high-quality scratched board, which you need to dry dry (the time of drying the paint is sufficiently long).

Another coating board

If the paint is not your option, then you can create a board with an adhesive film that will become an excellent analogue of the stylist coating. So, the materials for the manufacture are as follows:

  • film chalk
  • scissors
  • paper cutter
  • skillful hands

In this case, it is important that the entire surface is processed, as it should be, no defects on it should be. The film on such a surface should be perfectly located, otherwise it will turn out not perfect, rough and draw on it will not be quite comfortable.

Cut the film in size, tear off the adhesive part from it and carefully, carefully applied to the selected surface.

Board with your own hands

The easiest option to create a drawing board is as follows:

  • We take the most ordinary piece of chipboard (the size depends on your preferences, like the form)
  • At the edges (throughout the perimeter), we close a part of the scotchball board with the same painting scotch (in the consequence the closed surface will be our frame).
  • The unclosed surface is carefully stabbing nitroemal (you can take some other paint, it simply dries faster than the other options).
  • We will wait for the paint on the board finally dry, remove the adhesive tape from it.
  • Separate the surface with emery paper so that it is smoother and pleasant to the touch.
  • I paint some bright paint board frame so that the product looks better and more beautiful.
  • You can paint the framework by any paint if this option is not suitable for some reason, you can simply push it with some kind of adhesive film or other material (at your discretion).

Actually make a drawing board very simple, a lot of time you will not spend, and the materials are very simple and cheap.

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