How to make autumn leaves?

How to make autumn leaves?

Autumn time is remembered not only by beautiful landscapes, but also the opportunity to work in creativity. Autumn leaves become the basis of any composition or craft. You can use not only leaflets from the tree, but also make them yourself. Then they will serve much longer and will delight not only autumn sometimes, but also all year round.

How to make autumn paper leaves?

The easiest way to make autumn leaves of colored paper. It is best to choose bilateral paper. So they will look like natural on any side.

To implement the idea, you will need:

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • small format scissors so that it is possible to figure the elements figure;
  • templates.

As templates, you can use natural leaves from a tree or make an outline yourself.

Most leaves are symmetrical, because the paper sheet can be folded in half, apply a sketch and cut through the lines. Then a sheet to straighten.

So that it turns out to be beautiful, it is necessary to make an element more "openwork". If individual sheets are collected in a single design, a wreath of leaves or garlands, for example, you should take care that the leaves sustain the load. To do this, it is better to use cardboard (simple or color).

If a simple cardboard is selected, you will additionally need to prepare paint paints.

Beautiful also get elements from corrugated paper. They are obtained easier, gentle, realistic. The process of creating them fully corresponds to the algorithm described above. The main thing is to carefully handle such paper, because the chances of breaking it much more.

Autumn leaves: Barker

With the help of light strokes, you can also make autumn leaves with your own hands. To do this, bring a beautiful sheet from the street from the street. Put it on the surface with a convex side up and cover with a sheet of paper. Then you should take a soft pencil or chalk and with the help of light strokes to draw a sheet.

This is a very simple process that do not require great effort and girlfriend. Also, the advantage of this method is using only one sheet, you can get multi-colored options. For this, just need to change color pencils.

After the paper shape appears on the paper, you should try it from yourself, correct the shortcomings and cut.

Autumn leaves using a print

Another simple way to get beautiful leaves without making great efforts. What is needed for this? Very little:

  • sheet with wood;
  • paints;
  • brush;
  • paper.

The algorithm of action is simple and clear:

  1. Sheet with wood cover with paint with a brush.
  2. Attach such a sheet to paper and make a print.
  3. Carefully remove the sheet behind the pet.

You can use paints of different colors, then the sheet will be very colorful. There is also another secret - if you make a fingerprint for the second time without applying paint, the sheet will come out more openwork.

Autumn leaves of felt

Recently, the accessories from felt are very popular. Autumn leaves can also be made using this material. Such leaves will serve much longer. Also, they will easily make a garland or wreath, for example.

At first, you need to prepare firming materials:

  • felt (you can take yellow, red, brown, orange or green);
  • threads in tone;
  • scissors;
  • sheet of paper and pencil.

Then you need to prepare the pattern: draw a sheet on paper or circle a simple piece of wood. Cut this item and applied to the felt cut. Cut into a simple pencil and also cut down. Do this you need twice. You should also not forget to make a small allowance, because the two of these elements will be covered with each other.

Connect two sheets (can be different colors) and sew in the middle - it will be a central vein.

Then you need to flash the lateral veins on a piece. So the elements will be well sewn among themselves, and the leaf itself is very reminded real.

Foamiran leaves: autumn masterpiece with their own hands

If you need to make autumn leaves for any accessory, for example. Then the drawn options will not fit. Here will be by the way the method of creating elements from the phoamyran.

The master will have to spend time so that the result will be worthy. But as a result, the autumn leaves will look so naturally that they can make a serious competition to the leaves on the tree.

What you need to prepare in this case:

  • picture of the sheet;
  • foamiran;
  • suitable molds for foamyran;
  • iron;
  • lighter;
  • paints and sponge.

The phased algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Purpose sheet to apply to the Foamiran and cut.
  2. Heat with iron sheet and attach to molder quickly.
  3. The resulting sheet takes into hand and carefully we fall around the edges using a lighter. It turns out a very realistic binding effect.
  4. Using a small piece of sponge to apply paints on a piece of leaf and paint the surface.

At the stage of decor, you can give the will of fantasy and combine all the "autumn" colors.

Autumn Mastic Leaflets

If you need to make leaves for a cake or other confectionery masterpieces, then in this case your mastic is useful.

The result will also surprise with its realism. Master - Culinary will need to prepare a small list of materials in advance:

  • mastic;
  • scalpel;
  • leaf patterns;
  • dyes;
  • brush;
  • parchment and foil.

The process consists of such steps:

  1. Take a piece of mastic and paint in the right color.
  2. Roll and lay out a sheet template.
  3. Cut with a scalpel.
  4. It should be similar to: to take off the tips of the sheet, draw the veins.
  5. Take a piece of foil and minimize it. Lay on foil sheet. This is done in order that when the element is dry, it has become very realistic.
  6. On the parchment pour out a bit of dry dye and tint leaves before getting the right color.

According to the techniques described above, it is possible to make autumn leaves not only from paper. You should choose that option that can be done by yourself, and also take into account the presence of the necessary materials and the goal of creating leaves.



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