How to make an autumn crawler to kindergarten?

How to make an autumn crawler to kindergarten?

Those who have small children, do not know how hard sometimes sometimes come up with any original autumn craft for kindergarten, and after you think up, you still need to realize your idea into life. Everything becomes much easier if you have several interesting and original ideas, as well as detailed instructions for their manufacture. Let's figure it out in more detail in how and what cradle to make a kindergarten.

Flower pumpkin

There is a lot of interesting ideas of various crafts, but that's the simplest and most original. Let's try to make an interesting handicraft, which is called "Flower Tykovka".

Tools and materials that we need for its manufacture:

  • pumpkin
  • paints
  • tassels
  • glass of water
  • bouquet of autumn flowers
  • plastic bottle
  • knife
  • spoon

Someone such a set may seem very strange, but it is these items and materials to us now.

So, a step-by-step instruction of manufacturing cheerful tick:

  • It all starts with the fact that you need to choose the right pumpkin, in this case we are talking about a small size, flattened form and well-pronounced slices. This pumpkin is ideal for our autumn composition.
  • The next step is to collect the autumn bouquet. Even if you are a resident of the city, it will not be no difficulty. Get out on the street in the evening, go a walking step and in parallel notice any cute bushes, trees, flowers, which are perfect for a bouquet. It can be beautiful, multicolored leaves from trees, and better sprigs. Also perfectly suitable branches with rowan, spikelets of wheat, wildflowers, branches with bushes, sunflowers, etc. In any case, the bouquet should turn out to be multi-colored and bright, and the autumn is just a suitable time for collecting plants of this color.
  • An excellent one is also considered to be even because you can do it with a child, no matter how many years it has not been. Imagine how fun, choose pumpkin together, collect flowers and decorate all this composition. When the pumpkin is chosen and the bouquet is assembled, proceed to the pumpkin processing (the bouquet can be left aside or put in the vase, depending on what flowers and plants you have collected).
  • So, pumpkin is good under running water, and then carefully cut off the hat. The cut diameter should be the size of a plastic bottle of 1.5 liters.
  • Now cut out all the insides from the pumpkin (they can not be thrown away, and bake in the oven with sugar - and delicious, and useful). For these purposes, a knife and spoon usually use. Which and get the "insides" of vegetable.

  • After the pumpkin is, as it should be, cleaned, rinse it from the inside and drifting.
  • Pumpkin should be dry, both from the inside and outside to go to the next stage of the manufacture of autumn crafts. It's time to get paints and brush. We pour some water into a glass, open multicolored jars with gouache (it is this paint perfectly paints the surface of the pumpkin) Irrish each pumpkin slice with different colors. You can also draw anything on it if you are a born artist.
  • We leave the multicolored pumpkin to dry, and begin to discourage the pumpkin's hat, which we cut off from her from the very beginning. It can be painted by anything, but it is best to do it identically the drawing on the pumpkin itself. When it is decorated, you can also leave E aside.
  • Now we proceed to the design of the bouquet and other details of the crafts, namely, go through everything that you have collected and cut a bottle.
  • The hole in the pumpkin we did this size (cut off the hat) to the resin to get a 1.5 liter plastic bottle, which will play the role of the vase for our bouquet. The bottle will need to cut so that it completely entered the hole. Made in the pumpkin, but at the same time, it was not visible outside.
  • After the flower vase is ready, fill it with water and begin to make a bouquet.
  • Here we must trim the trunks of branches and colors in the size of our vase, also on the trunks will need to break all the extra leaves, spikes, etc. This is done in order for the bouquet to stoke longer, because the vegetation in water addresses the long-term freshness of flowers.
  • When the bouquet is already formed, by that time the pumpkin dries (the gouache dries very quickly, especially if you put a painted pumpkin in a warm place or on drafts).
  • Gently insert into our multi-colored pumpkin in the autumn bouquet we created, and in his middle "insert" the hat to create such an impression that the bouquet is growing from the inside of pumpkin and as if he pushed her hat out. It will be great if there will also be a skeleton on the pumpkin cap that can be painted in a dark color.

The cauldron is very interesting and original, which means that in kindergarten, the craft of your child will simply be equal.

There are plenty of other interesting options to issue such a bouquet in the pumpkin. It looks very beautiful and sophisticatedly, a pumpkin looks, which is completely painted in white, and the dial (black dots in a circle) is drawn in the middle of the black paints. Arrows can be made of thick paper or cardboard, which will also need to be painted in black (it can be attached to a pumpkin with a conventional small carnation.

In such a bouquet, the sunflowers look very well, which give the colorful to the craft and some kind of special autumn notes.

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