How to make a cardboard plane?

How to make a cardboard plane?

All boys love to play with various types of transport. But most of the toys break over time. For a careful attitude to toys, you need to teach children to make them with your own hands. Of course, the handling of paper and cardboard is not distinguished by durability, but the process of their manufacture is very hobble in crumb!

Matchbox airplane

  • Prepare the wings of the aircraft. Make the cardboard strips, the width of which corresponds to the width of the box of matches, and the length is 21 cm. So that they turn out to be smooth you can use the ruler.
  • Tail of the aircraft. Make 2 strips width with a narrow side box, length 30 cm.
  • Bend a narrow strip into two parts and glue the cross box.
  • Cut the second narrow strip into 4 parts. Take one of them and crop corners. Glue the tail of the aircraft. From another small part to build the blades of the tail of technology.
  • Crop your ends from wider stripes and glue them to wide sides of the box.
  • Cut square, divide it into 4 parts in which to draw blades. Cut propeller and glue it in front of the box. If there is an old toy with a blade, then you can take it.
  • Decorate a plane. To do this, cut out of cardboard inscriptions, stars, and then stick them on strips. You can also paint the paints and markers of the part of the aircraft.

Corrugated Cardboard Design

Production of crafts is carried out with the help of a quilling technique. For it, you need to take corrugated cardboard, scissors and adhesive gun. Production process:

  • Cut the cardboard on the strip whose width is 1 cm.
  • Two pucks from multiple strips. Pull the center of the product, receiving a cone. Connect the products to each other.
  • Making the wings of the aircraft. To do this, take 3 strips of cardboard and form a triangle from them, gluing them with each other. For a better attachment, you can use the clothespin.
  • Tail of the aircraft. Made from cardboard strips on previous technology.
  • Chassis and propeller attach with a glue gun.

On this, the manufacture of the aircraft is ready!

Airplane for a gift

  • The body of the future aircraft will be the base from the roll of toilet paper. You still need to take a tape, adhesive tape and a cup of paper.
  • Using the printer, print items for the aircraft, then transfer them to the basis of cardboard. It is advisable to apply a cardboard and a roll of one color. After applying parts to cardboard, cut them.
  • Make a hole in the center of the roll - it will be a pilot cabin.
  • Glue the tail of the aircraft Scotch, making an incision at the end of the roll.
  • Production of wings. To connect the details you need to do shorts, but only then glue their scotch.
  • For the manufacture of the screw will need a paper cup. It is necessary to crop it in such a way that it lay down to the nose of the design. Make a screw from paper and attach it.

For an attractive appearance, you can paint the product with a gouache or paint pencils. You can still stick to all the details of the colored paper so that the plane acquired a presentable view. The craft in the form of an airplane can do any if you pre-prepare a template. Such a present will have a greater value than the one that is purchased in the store. In addition, a pleasant pastime, together with the child, will give a lot of positive emotions.

Easy version of crafts

Children at any age love to make cardboard toys do it yourself. Especially interesting will be the plane, which also flies. For this you need:

  • Cut the square from a regular sheet of paper.
  • Fold it in half and get the edges. As a result, it turns out a triangle to be bent.
  • Then all bend to form the wings of the aircraft.
  • The use of corrugated cardboard allows you to make wings more voluminous, and the tail is spectacular.

To create an aviation fleet, you can make a present airport with routes of departure and arrival. There are many games using air tools, but for this you need to be able to create them with your own hands and even improve them.

To create an aircraft from cardboard, you need to show your fantasy. Such crafts can be used to play or as decoration. Fans of aviation themes create whole collections of aircraft, because the possibility of man is endless.

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