The crown or diadem are an excellent addition to the queen or princess suit for a holiday or on the occasion of a birthday. There are quite a few creative options that can be created from colors, lace, cardboard or ordinary paper.
Fresh floral crowns will decorate the summer picnic, and silk floral tiaras are ideal for special occasions.
How to make a crown of colored paper
- Find on the Internet or draw a crown pattern with soft forms and bends. Follow the lines and carefully cut the template itself. It consists of two parts, which are then connected together. If you do work with children, help and control this step.
- Move the template on paper or tight cardboard, apply the contours to the sheet and, deleting the template, cut them out. If you use thin paper, such as office or wrapping, strengthen the bottom cardboard. Color the preparation of silver or golden aerosol paint. Measure the crown length and cut the cardboard or tissue strip (2.5 - 3 cm in width). Attach the lower edge of the strip to the edge of the crown and glue it with glue.
- You can decorate the top of the crown with markers, wovers or colored pencils. Special luxury and glitter can be delivered precious stones and sequins. Give decorations dry. To create a royal crown, use gold glitter, blue, red, green or purple gemstones. The headdress of the princess is decorated with silver, sequins of gold, pink and purple stones. Ice Queen Crown Decorate with plenty of silver, sparkles, blue and silver precious stones. For Halloween, create a terrible crown using black sparkles, sticking on the walls of plastic spiders and purple stones.
- Make a circle according to the size of the head. The crown edges should block each other slightly. Make a label pencil and secure them together. Give adhesion to dry.
How to make a crown from felt
- Prepare two pieces of woolen felt (about 43 cm by 10 cm) and a rubber band (1.5 cm by 12 cm long). Start from downloading and sealing a template. It can be downloaded
here. Roll one of the felt pieces in half and cut the edges according to the sketch.
- Open it. It should look like this.
- Now put the carved sketch on top of another piece of felt, securing it with needles. Fix the ends of the product. Stop all the curon's bends, leaving the edges open.
- Cut surplus along the contour of the bends.
- Insert the gum, slightly running the edge under felt. Now make the second side similarly to the first.
- Your crown is fully ready, you can try on.
How to make a crown corrugated cardboard
Prepare corrugated cardboard to create a crown texture; 3 Sheet A4 (cardboard), stones for decoration, scissors, glue, markers, stapler.
- Bearing together sheets of paper, apply arbitrary waves on them. Cut edges. Do not be too high in order to keep it well on the baby's head.
- By the same template cut out the workpiece from corrugated cardboard. Connect it with the basis. If necessary, paint the golden aerosol paint.
- Start decorating the product. You can stick stones across the entire circumference or make decorations using ordinary markers.
- Build the edge of the crown in the stapler.
As you can see, nothing complicated in the manufacture of a festive crown for the children's holiday is not. The main thing that is required from the master is a desire and several girlfriend materials.
When the beautiful daughter grows, it always wants that on the holiday she was the most beautiful. The crown is a decent decoration. Many options. Choose anyone and add your fantasy. And do not skimp on improvisation.