What can be made from match boxes?

What can be made from match boxes?

Creating crafts with children is a fascinating occupation that develops small motility, creative potential, and also allows you to have a great time to spend time with the whole family. In order to create interesting toys with their own hands, it is not necessary to acquire specialized materials in stores - everything you need, you will find at home. For example, a lot of interesting crafts can be created from ordinary match boxes.

Casket with match boxes

The box is the most obvious handicap box. In this way, you can create dressers or cabinets for a doll house or just make a beautiful storage for small toys and jewelry. Create an improvised box of boxes is absolutely not difficult: it can be of different shapes and sizes, and it is possible to decorate it at your discretion.

So, for such a craft you will need a sheet of dense cardboard, matchboxes, glue, as well as any materials that you want to decorate the craft: colored paper, foil, fabric, paint, beads and tapes. The box is made as follows:

  • First of all, the casket must have a flat bottom, so cut out a smooth rectangle from the cardboard the size you need. From above on it you will stick boxes.
  • To be neat, you must first place the boxes at your discretion, but only then stick them. Boxes can be covered with gouache or acrylic paint, gently glue with foil or paper from all sides. You can make painting or cut out paper flowers and ornaments, and then glue them.
  • When you finished decorated boxes, you need to glue them to cardboard. On top of one tier, you can still do two or three - you will have many storage compartments.
  • The ends can be placed in one sheet of paper or fabric so that they look neatly. As a handle to improvised boxes, beads can be glued. In addition, you can make a bowl of ribbons or paint drawings.

Train from match boxes

For a boy from match boxes, you can create almost any vehicle. For example, it may be a train. This is a simple toy, you can even make it with the most young children.

You will need colored paper, matchboxes, glue, wire, paint and markers, as well as a bottle cork. Follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • Plug the matchbox with colored paper completely. If the seams do not work out carefully, they can be decorated from above the paper of another color.
  • You can portray on the wide side of the box of the window or passengers - for this use markers and paints.
  • For the wheels just cut the circles from the plug. They can be glued directly to the box. If you want the wheels to spin, you can search for a wire: you need to make four holes in the box, to turn the wire, put the wheels on it and make a small nodule so that the design is durable.
  • Similarly, you can make a lot of trains carousers and spray them with each other.

Toys from match boxes

From the boxes you can make New Year's toys. It is very simple: the principle of action is practically the same as when creating a train. You just need to puncture the box with paper. Then from the cardboard it is worth cutting the head of the character: for example, Santa Claus or a deer, draw the mouth, nose and eyes, and then glued to the box. To hang a toy, make a small hole on the back and grind ribbon or thread.

Miniature house made of match boxes

If you with children love miniature items, you can make a whole home from match boxes - this is a time-consuming, but a fascinating process. This exercise is made on the principle of the casket with one difference: glue with each other only internal parts of the boxes. They can be painted or placed paper, and make a roof from cardboard or from the matches themselves folded together.

After you close the house, you can interrupt: the furniture is easy to make sponges, cardboard, beads, ribbons and matches.

Based on ordinary toys from matchboxes, almost any crafts can be made: complex animals, elements of doll furniture and vehicles. Connect the fantasy and boldly experiment. The main thing is accuracy of execution. Over time, toys will get everything better.

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