How to make autumn leaves?

How to make autumn leaves?

Autumn is a wonderful time of the year, because it is already cold, but still warm, the leaves on the trees are multicolored, fresh breeze. It is at this time that I want to create, so today we will find out how to make the autumn leaves with your own hands and understand in several ways of their manufacturer more.

Autumn Sheets on Paper

To begin with, I would like to say that real leaves are excellent for handicrafts, which can be collected from the ground or disrupt from trees, but not all crafts and tasks include the use of natural material. In the event that it is necessary to create a composition of autumn leaves, but there is no possibility to use, so to speak, the original material will come to the aid. From it you can make very beautiful leaves, which will be very similar to real.

In this case, the end result of your efforts will depend solely on how much you want to make beautiful leaves and how you try to do this. Show your fantasy, it is very useful here.

To begin with, consider the common ways to create autumn leaves. The first and most common method is to cut out colored paper leaves. In this case, it is best to use double-sided that the leaf is bright from both sides. Some craftsmen are made from one-sided, and at the same time glue two sheets among themselves. This method of manufacture is considered optimal. Because the resulting sheet is very similar to the original.

Very comfortable paper leaves cut out with scissors not ordinary, and figure (needlewomen know that for such purposes, manicure scissors with curved ends) are excellent).

Methods of making template:

  • By hand (for future artists or just talented people)
  • Find in the computer and print (for those who have the Internet and printer)
  • Sens from a template found on the Internet by circuit in circuit on the screen (A4 is applied to the monitor, and will be burned across the finished template on the screen)

It is clear that not everyone can draw a beautiful autumn leaf from hand, and the computer may not always be close, but do not be upset, because you can go outside to collect beautiful leaves. Come home and circle them on color or white paper. This method is very simple, and the options received will be very similar to the original.

Most of the leaves are symmetrical, that is, one of the sides is identical to another, which simplifies the process of drawing a sheet of hand (an exception can be a sheet of oak, one half does not look like another):

  • fold a real leaf in half
  • Apply it to a sheet of paper, which is also folded twice
  • carefully explore the contour
  • corrective a drawn sheet, removing the original sheet
  • cut on the contour figured scissors
  • deploy and get ready-made symmetrical autumn leaf

You can do this experiment both on color and white paper. For those who know how to draw beautifully, we offer to make a white sheet, and then decorate it with different colors, mixing them between themselves, then you will receive an original autumn leaf that will not look like any other.

Original ideas

For those who do not like to be banal, we offer another way to create an autumn composition. For this method, we will need:

  • two White Paper Sheet
  • chalks
  • soft pencils of different colors
  • real autumn leaves from different trees (small)

We make original leaves:

  • Put on the table a white sheet
  • On top of it put a real leaf (more rough and dwelling up side)
  • Cover from above another sheet
  • Sharpening a sheet with chalk or a pencil of your chosen color (it is better to choose autumn natural colors)

This method is very simple and also, one template you can make many sheets of different colors. You do not need anything else, just carefully keep a pencil or a small face on the convex side of the sheet and all of its veins will manifest on the top sheet.

In the case of crayons, it is necessary to keep their plastics in obligatory to keep them so that they do not damage the paper and the leaf itself. When the sheets are "squeezed" with different colors on paper, you can cut them.

The following method for creating autumn leaves on paper is to use the following materials:

  • Paints
  • Brush
  • Real leaves
  • Sheets of paper
  • Scissors

So, the method of manufacture is very simple:

  • We apply a layer of paint on a rough more embossed face of a sheet (cover the whole surface)
  • We apply the painted side to the white sheet of paper and press the leaflets (it is advisable to do it so that the leaf does not move from the place).

  • We remove the painted leaf with paper (do it better for the shelter of the sheet)
  • So you can do with several sheets, after which give such a "drawing" to dry.
  • The last stage is a neat cut out of the leaves.
  • In order to make openwork leaf on paper, you can not cry back with a tree from the tree, but to print it several times.

Now you know how fast and just can be done on paper autumn leaves. Agree that this process does not include any complex operations, with this, even a child can cope with it. Often the above methods of manufacturing leaves are used to create autumn bright compositions.

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