How to make a papermbath out of paper?

How to make a papermbath out of paper?

Crafts from paper can be not only beautiful, but also useful. For example, from this material you can make various toys for children. Today we will deal with how to make such a weapon on our own paper as a pottery, so that the knife turns out to be beautiful, durable and practical.

Paper Packer - Useful toy

The boys, as in principle, and girls, are played in childhood to the toy weapons and simply come delight from these warways. In order to not buy a child an expensive toilet in the form of a weapon 9 And now all toys can not be called inexpensive), the independent execution of the krambita will be appropriate, and for several reasons:

  • cash savings are one of the main advantages.
  • practical classes on needlework - experience and instructive lesson
  • the ability to attract your child to creating something new and interesting than he can play

Many parents believe that the toy Kerambit, this boys, but in childhood, girls are not less than boys like to play shooting, so this article is useful to parents of any child.

First stage of manufacture

Immediately, I would like to note that the main tools in the creation of the cerambitis under consideration are glue and paper, so that no special components will have to buy.

  • First of all, it is necessary to decide on the model of this weapon. The fact is that today on the Internet you can find a lot of options for such weapons. The main thing is that the chosen picture of the Kerambitus had accurate contours and was a good layout option. Such a drawing will be needed to make a paper copy of it.
  • So, if the pattern was determined, take a clean sheet of paper, attach to the screen and circle the model of the weapon model with a pencil (its outline). If there is a printer, you can print this picture.
  • After the outline is applied, I will bring it again again, but you can even with a marker, so that the drawing is clearly visible and all its contours were clear, including.

The second stage of manufacture

The layout of our future weapons in front of us, now we will define the tools and materials that we will use to create a pottery:

  • lamers - a few pieces
  • colored paper - to create a beautiful model of a poterbita with a color handle
  • scotch - method of fixing some elements
  • glue - for gluing details of the model
  • marker and pencil
  • scissors - no exercise without them
  • thermocles (if there is one is at hand, but it is not necessary to buy it, it is possible to do without it)

The next step will be the division of our drawing (layout) into several parts:

  • the first part of the handle to the ring, which will be in consequence to make a finger
  • second part - directly handle to the blade
  • third Part - Blade (FULL)

Cut with the help of scissors our ceramitis, and, partially, each part should be carved separately.

Third stage of manufacture

We have three parts of our future krambita, proceed to finishing the handle. To do this, you need to take a sheet of colored paper, you define the color yourself as desired (it is better to take a dark color, then the weapon will look brutally and will not be so branded):

  1. Colored paper sheet switched twice (smoothly in half).
  2. After that, we turn the sheet in the same way two more times (it turns out a thin rectangle).
  3. We take our handle pattern and apply to folded several times with a sheet of colored paper, so that the edge, where in the handle, the smooth place in the handle turned on above the solid part.
  4. We supply the contour of the handle with a pencil on colored paper in order not to move. You can attach a template to paper paper.
  5. The circled handle cut on with scissors, carefully, without going beyond its contour. The more accurate will be made every step of manufacture, the more beautiful and the clearer will come out by the ready version of weapons.
  6. After the handle is cut (it turned out to be multi-layered), it is necessary to glue all the existing parts of each other, with the exception of the central part. You can make this process in three ways - with the help of tape, glue, or a glue gun (on your choice). All parts must be glued together, and the central - remain untouched.
  7. After the work done, it will be necessary to glue the central part, but in this way. To be glued only the edges of the handle, and the middle was free from glue. This is necessary to strengthen it in the future. To do this, you should apply glue solely on the edges of the handle from the inside.

Fourth stage of manufacture

The handle is still to the side, we have to strengthen it, now we go to the manufacture of blades:

  • We take a clean sheet of paper (white) and turn it on with the same way as for handles.
  • Apply the blade template and supply it with a pencil on white paper. Apply the template to the sheet in such a way that the upper part of the blade is applied to the general edge of the sheet.
  • We carry out the contour, circled with a pencil so that it was clearly visible and neatly cut with scissors in such a way that the edge of the blade (the edge that will be filled with the handle) remained a small patch for comfortable bonding with other parts, in this case with the handle.
  • We glue with each other, except the middle. After that, we glue the middle only around the edges so that emptiness is formed inside.
  • To strengthen our weapons, it is necessary to take a blank sheet A4 and a paste from the handle. Put the paste on a sheet of paper and roll it in such a way that it turns out a thin tube. We glue the edge of the paper.
  • The made tube is cut into two parts so that one is half less than another, and most of the tube insert one end in the handle, the other in the blade, pre-taking the tube flat. Next to the long tube we put a short, close, and glue it all together. Thus, we strengthened both blade, and the knob itself so that they do not bend.

Final stage of manufacture

Let us pass to the manufacture of a ring on the handle, we will also be done separately. The principle of manufacturing the ring occurs similarly to the previous two parts - we turn the paper several times, draw the circuit of the ring, cut it out, glue.

The only difference is that it is necessary to glue all parts of each other, without leaving space to strengthen. In this case, it will not be needed.

There is an option easier, and the ring will turn out to be stronger:

  1. create a tube of paper, as last time (paste from the handle turn into a sheet A4)
  2. cut the length of the length
  3. twist the finished tube into the ring and glue to the end of the handle.

There is nothing complicated in the manufacture of paper crumbles, especially since no additional tools and materials for its creation will not have to buy, because everything is needed at hand. Time for this process will also leave a little, so this workout is very practical and economically beneficial in economic terms.

The child will be pleased, especially if he will take part in this process and together with the parent will create such an interesting thing.


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