How to make paper turntable

How to make paper turntable

The art of Origami has long been using most needlewomen. From beautifully folded sheets, original decorations are obtained for the holiday. The turntables did not exception. They turn science paper adding to mischievous entertainment. Make paper fluger at home easily. This will help you this article with a detailed master class and visual video.

How to make a paper turntable - manufacturer

The process of creating a paper turntable is so simple that you can do it with children. But at the same time, there are a number of features of its manufacturer, which is important to consider. Otherwise, the device will not be able to rotate in the wind.

  • The traditional number of blades for the turntable is four. But you can make from six, eight and more. The more difficult the variant of the weather, the stronger it is necessary to mount for its rotation.
  • Choose paper for the turntable more dense and elastic. A good option for the basis is a photographic paper with a glossy surface.
  • The toys should not be glued. To connect them, it is necessary to use a metal base, such as a button or stationery carnation.
  • Instead of glue, use double-sided adhesion, so the hands will remain clean and faster the surfaces between themselves.
  • In order for the details of the paper freebier freely rotate, do not tighten them strongly.
  • For the base of the design, strong boiler tubes, wooden spanks and even a simple pencil are suitable.
  • When placing a paper structure, it is important that the blades do not touch it. Therefore, you will need a long sewing needle with a limiter or wire.

How to make an turntable from paper - work

To create paper turntables, you will need such materials and tools:

  • tight paper sheet;
  • simple pencils with an eraser at the top;
  • metal line;
  • stationery knife;
  • sewing needles;
  • adhesive pistol.

Production process:

  • Step 1. From the Cardboard Sheet, make a blank in the form of a square. The size is best suited for the turntable: 15 by 15 centimeters. Instead of a stationery knife, you can use scissors.

  • Step 2. From the reverse side of the workpiece, draw a scheme for cutting the blades. To do this, first mark the center of the center on the square, then read the diagonal. But do not connect them in the middle, finish line for 2 cm. To the center. Also put four points on the corners of future blades, as shown in the picture.

  • Step 3. According to the stencil, cut the paper on solid lines. All you will have four cuts on the diagonal of the workpiece.

  • Step 4. Take the triangle for the outlined point and bend it to the center. In the same way, strictly in a circle, collect the rest of the blades of the turntable. Canceling the paper neatly so that the elements and folds are not created.

  • Step 5. Put the pencil vertically. Hand hold the folded blank and pour it with a sewing needle with the limiter. At the same time, its tip on the reverse side should pass through the eraser on the pencil. Perform this stage yourself so that the children could not be injured.

  • Step 6. Put the needle at the necessary distance between the turntance and the grater of the pencil.

  • Step 7. To fix the connecting rod and protect the fingers from a possible necklack, apply a drop of hot glue from the reverse side.

  • The simplest paper turntable is ready for the game.

How to make an turntable from paper - complex options

  • Furugers from paper with lots of blades look much more interesting.

  • For the turntable of five blades, you will need such a pattern.

  • Edges also wrap the center and fix the metal base.

  • A brighter turntable can make paper with a metallic tint.

  • For a floider of eight parts, you will need to cut two blanks with four edges, according to the image.

  • Position them together, but slightly slide so that the corners of the figures are not lying on each other.

  • Then, alternately wrap their face on the middle.

  • Each edge lock together. Here is such a figure you will succeed.

  • Another simple design, but with a lot of blades, it turns out from the circle. Cut the blank according to the drawing.

  • Internal edges Generate and attach the design to the base.

Do with your own handicrafts - very exciting occupation, especially if you work with children. It is very simple to create a bright turntable with your own hands, the main thing is to follow this master class and then it is your crafts to become an original toy for kids!

A more difficult version of creating a purple paper, look at the video:

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