How to make a triangle of paper

How to make a triangle of paper

The triangle is the simplest and basic figure not only in geometry, but also in the art of origami, because to create masterpieces from paper, you must first learn to add a triangle from it. We will tell and show you how to make a triangle in many ways and, having mastered them, you can go to more complex crafts.

How to make a triangle from office paper

Let's start with the easiest option - to lay a chaired triangle from paper. To do this, you will need paper and scissors.

  • Roll over the top angle of the sheet diagonally, rented the fold line and cut off the unnecessary rectangular strip. Expand the item, cut it out on the diagonal and in your hands - two triangles.

  • Bend the base a few times along and across to get smaller figures. If the triangles do from colored paper, they will come out brighter and will work more fun.

How to make a double paper triangle

The pair triangle is the simplest form of design in the Origami technique.

  • Cut out the square of the desired size from the paper, bend and break it on the diagonals.
  • Fold the workpiece over the middle (horizontal) line.
  • Drink inward two side triangles, then turn the figure - and do the same with the next pair of triangles.

The basic form of "double triangle" is ready.

How to make a modular triangle of paper

Learning to collect such triangles is better on a large sheet of paper A4 paper, and designed from small blanks. The aspect ratio of the rectangle for the module - 1: 1.5.

  • Fold the leaf horizontally in half, swallow your fingers to the middle line vertically and bend the ends to the central stamp.
  • Turn over the module and lift the edges of the ears up.
  • Check the side corners through the main figure.
  • Place the foundation, roll up the small triangles over the lines, raise the edges up. Bend base in half.

You have got modules with two corners and pockets that can be inserted into each other in some respects and collect various bulk products from them.

How to make a bulk paper triangle

The pyramid is often called a volume triangle, since its side faces are triangles. This figure is done is easy, it is enough to make the desired template:

  • square on the paper sheet on a sheet of paper, paint to each of it to the equilateral triangle and make valves for gluing. You can simply download the scan from the Internet;

  • cut the workpiece, doubt on the bend lines and glue the allowances. After drying, paint the craft or bloom with stickers, emoticons, appliqués.

How to make a soldier triangle of paper

The front-line letter is made quickly and by the assembly method reminds the Origami technique.

  • Take the usual notebook sheet, write congratulations on it and wishes a close person, then install the paper according to the scheme - first to the right left, then - on the contrary.
  • The remaining paper strip, wrap the top triangle inside, having hinged the lower corners from two ends. Scroll all folds to give the envelope form. Sign on the front side of the triangle of the recipient's initials and hand your unusual gift on the day of victory to an expensive veteran.

Make a paper triangle is not difficult to read the article carefully, choose the desired method of manufacture and comply with our recommendations when working.

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