How to make a ball from paper?

How to make a ball from paper?

Transform your interior, decorate picture area or any celebration, it can be made of paper balls. They can be made in various sizes, colors, etc.

How to make a paper ball - option 1

For the manufacture of balls of paper you'll need:

  • corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • marker;
  • cardboard;
  • a4 sheet of paper;
  • thread with a needle.


  • Cut a circle of a sheet of cardboard, of the desired diameter. At this stage, you decide what size will the next ball of paper.
  • Cut the circle in half board.
  • Take a few sheets of corrugated paper and store them in a pile.
  • Fold sheets of corrugated paper in half and then folded in half again.
  • Cut the paper into rectangles. As a result of the rectangles should get a little more than a semi-circle cut out of cardboard.
  • On A4 paper sheet 1 put rectangle of corrugated paper.
  • Marker on white paper, corrugated paper width share equal parts, approximately every 3 cm, with the two alternate color marker.
  • Coat with glue all the lines of the same color.
  • Then, exactly put on top of the first sheet, a second sheet of corrugated paper. Carefully presses the sheet bonding locations.
  • Coat with glue all the lines of a different color and glue the next piece of paper again. And so we repeat, there are no more cut out rectangles of corrugated paper.
  • After all rectangles glued together, then we give shape to the future of the ball. To do this, take the cardboard semicircle and applying it to the top of the glued sheets, then draw out a pencil.
  • Cut with scissors along the marked lines.
  • Glue to both sides of corrugated paper, cardboard semicircles harvested. In order to lighten the weight of the finished ball can be in semi-circles of cardboard cut out the middle. The result is an arc of cardboard, which is glued to the paper on both sides.

  • The needle threading and extends through the semicircular area (arc), tying a knot free. If the tie strongly tight, the ball will not open.
  • We undertake the edge of the cardboard and unfold the semicircle ball.
  • Glue cardboard semicircles (arc) one by one.

Ball of paper ready! Make some balls of different sizes and start decorating the room.

How to make a ball out of paper - version 2

In order to make the ball of paper, you'll need:

  • corrugated paper;
  • thread;
  • scissors;
  • line (tape);
  • pencil.


  • Cut a roll of corrugated paper in half.
  • Fold all sheets stacked one on another.
  • Fold sheets in an accordion.
  • Tie a knot in the middle of an accordion.
  • Cut the edge of the accordion in a semicircle.
  • Spreads of corrugated paper sheets one by one, one after another.

Bowl of corrugated paper ready!

3) How to make a paper ball - option 3

For the manufacture of balls of paper, you'll need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue.


  • Of colored sheets of paper cut out circles with a diameter of 10 cm. For one ball, we need to circle 32, namely the 16 circles of yellow and 16 pink circles.
  • Bend each circle in half.
  • We glue the parts. To the top of the outer side glue yellow circle lower outer circle side pink. Similarly way glue remaining circles, alternating color.
  • Finished gluing, expand the resulting bead.
  • Getting semicircles bonded together in a certain pattern. Namely, pink circles lubricates glue on top of the semicircle and the bottom of the semicircle, and then glue the second half semicircle pink. The remaining sections with pink glue similarly. Yellow circles, glue in the following way, on one side of the semi-circle of yellow grease glue around the edge of the middle part, in the place, as shown in the photo with a cross. Yellow circles sizing similarly.
  • Give glued blanks from the glue to dry.
  • Once the glue is dry, straighten ball and glue the first and last half-circle.
  • Threading, so that the ball can be suspended.

After drying glue, paper ball ready. Proceed to room decorations, Christmas trees, etc.

It can be made of paper bright, colorful, weightless balls in which your holiday or interior will be unforgettable. You can also decorate the house, a room, a photo zone and various celebrations.

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