How to make carnation from paper

How to make carnation from paper

Flowers are a festive attribute that gives an excellent mood to someone who presented them, as well as a great way to decorate the interior, decorate gifts and many more, to which your fantasy is capable. Artificial flowers will come to the rescue if the effect is needed for a long time, as alive, unfortunately, it is very difficult to extend freshness.

Paper flowers are a win-win version, since their manufacture does not require tremendous efforts or large material costs. But the decor of artificial colors will not be worse, and will delight for a long time. Of the whole set of master classes in the manufacture you will choose yourself, and in this article we will look at how you make carnations from paper.

Materials for the manufacture of paper carnations

In order to create a beautiful flower, you will need a minimum of materials, namely:

  • Colored paper. We will look at several variants of crafts - from napkins, corrugated paper and origami cloves from duplex colored paper. The color of the cloves you choose yourself, respectively and the color of paper will be your taste. Plus green paper for stem and petals;
  • Glue. You can choose both pencil glue and PVA;
  • Scissors;
  • Wire.

Method number 1: cloves from napkins

This version of the carnation is suitable for designing postcards, stands or wallgazet. To do this, you will additionally need a stapler to fasten the petals.

  1. The napkin of the selected colors fold twice in half, so that the square turned out.
  2. From it cut the circle, just cutting the corners.
  3. The middle of the circle is fastening the stapler twice, overlapping the brackets cruciform.
  4. Over the entire circle circumference, we make cuts, approximately half a centimeter.
  5. Each layer of napkins carefully divided and fluff. The resulting flower can be glued to the wire, and you can decorate the festive card.

Method number 2: Corrugated paper cloves

Flower petals in this method can be mounted on wooden spat, and it is possible to the wire.

  1. It takes 4 squares of paper on each clove, 10 cm for 10 cm.
  2. Each square fold in half twice. The resulting small square fold diagonally, and we get a triangle. One of the edges of the triangle bend up and cut the protruding part.
  3. We deploy the triangle to one turn and the edge cut out the teeth.
  4. We deploy before the formation of a semicircle and on bends cut to the middle.
  5. In the same way, we make all four sheets. The end of a spanking or wire is gluable paper, forming a middle of a flower. We make a hole in the middle of the petals, lubricate the glue and make a skewer. Form flower, lifting petals up.
  6. In order for the flower stem to make green, you can wind up a spiner with corrugated paper or ribbon of the desired color. Optionally, cut and attach the leaves.

Method number 3: Corrugated paper cloves, wavy

These carnations are very beautiful, gentle and similar to natural.

  1. On one flower, we take a paper cut about 50 cm long and 10 cm wide. Watch the long side by 3 cm inside.
  2. Along the entire length of the segment, we stretch the paper with your fingers, making it a wavy.
  3. Stem flower, wire or skewer, apply to the edge of paper and screw inward. At the same time, we put the edge, so that the flower turned out to be lush.
  4. Formed buds fix the wire at the base and cut the end so that the angle is down.
  5. The bottom of the bud and the stem is wrapped with a floral green ribbon, or corrugated paper.

Whatever ways to do you like the soul, the result is a beautiful decoration for a festive decor. What color will be the carnation to choose you, in all the variety of palette can give the will of his fantasy. Who said that the flower should be definitely red?

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