How to make a single one

How to make a single one

The first anniversary of a small miracle is always a special holiday. Therefore, parents are preparing for him more carefully. In addition to the menu and outfits, the decor of the room is not last occupied. Symbolic decoration for the first birthday is one.

If you want to save on the digit, then make it with your own hands. This article describes in detail the instructions for creating an original decor.

How to make a one for a year - bulk frame

To make the bulk digit, you must prepare a framework. You can make it from a dense cardboard or a regular large-size box.

  • At the first stage, make a template. Draw a unit on paper. Use sheets with marking or cells. So you will get smooth sides. Measure the digit, depending on the desired height and width, calculate the scale according to the parameters of the template.

  • Transfer the enlarged figure to the cardboard. Then draw another unit, but only in the mirror reflection. Cut the blanks on the outlined circuit.

  • Prepare the bottom for the digit. To do this, first decide on the thicker's thickness. What it is wider, the more stable foundation will have a decor. If you want to hang a digit, then make a smaller thickness. The length of the bottom will be equal to the width of the lower unit.

  • Secure the bottom on one of the workpieces with a tape or paper strips with PVA glue. Do it on the inside of the shape.

  • Then expand the bottom and glue the second part of the unit. From the inside, further strengthen the folds of the folds with a solid strip of tape.

  • In the assembled form you should get this figure.

  • Now cut the top for the number in the same way. Its width must be equal to the bottom.

  • Coupling three parts with paper scotch.

  • External seams also curse the adhesive tape to strengthen the bends.

  • You will have such a hollow digit.

  • Strips from cardboard Close all sides of the unit. Make sure that the width of all the blanks is the same and corresponded to the bottom.
  • If you follow proportions and sizes, then you will have a bulk digit for decorating a children's holiday.

How to make a single piece - Figure Decor

The next stage in the creation of the digit is the decoration of the frame. The most popular method of decor numbers is made of napkins or corrugated paper.


  • crepe paper of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • stapler;
  • adhesive pistol.


  • Calculate the flower diameter. Expand the corrugated paper and cut it on the strips depending on the size. Then roll out several times to get a square according to the diameter of the bud.

  • For folding lines, cut paper.

  • You must have such squares.

  • Collect some blanks together. Their number will determine the volume of the flower. If you want to get a dense decoration, then use more squares.

  • In the central part, attach the paper with a stapler. If necessary, install another bracket in the middle of the workpiece.

  • Cut the circle around the mounts. To obtain smooth cuts from the figure, draw the contour first on paper and cut the circle on it.

  • Here is the correct billet for the flower of corrugated paper.

  • Start forming petals in a flower. First, bend tightly to the center first and second round.

  • Then raise the following layers of workpiece. At the same time, pull each circle in the middle.

  • Lower layers press your fingers around the center. Make some such paper flowers in size.

  • With the help of a glue gun, secure each paper blank on the frame. Try tightly placing flowers among yourself so that there is no cardboard.

  • Stick the blanks on all sides of the number.

  • You can use different colors to decorate a unit or additionally tie a ribbon.

How to make a one on a year - bulk roses

Flowers for units can be made in another way. Such paper roses are obtained more gentle and volumetric.

You will need:

  • corrugated paper;
  • scissors and glue.


  • Cooker cut on strips. Their thickness will be equal to the height of the flower, which will determine the volume of the number. Take one end of the workpiece and roll into the tube.

  • Wrap the strip around the center several times by forming curls. Then drill the middle. Continue to form a rose in this way until the ribbon is over.

  • On the back of the flower, apply glue and secure on the frame.

  • Such flowers should not be very close to each other. Otherwise, you remember the edge, and the decor will look ugly.

Thanks to this detailed master class, you can independently make a bulk unit for the first birthday of the baby. Such an original decor is suitable for decorating the room for a holiday or will become a bright addition during a photo session.

Another way to twist colors from paper for numbers See on video:

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