How to make roses made of maple leaves?

How to make roses made of maple leaves?

From ordinary maple leaves, you can make stunning roses. And if they are beautifully composed, then a wonderful bouquet will come out. Multicolored maple leaves, give such an opportunity that you want to take advantage of this moment and in no case will miss it. Let's create a cozy corner in our homes.

How to make roses made of maple leaves - option 1

For the manufacture of roses from maple leaves, we will need only multicolored leaves and threads.

  • We take into the hands of a maple leaf and fold it twice so that the facial side of the maple leaves is outside.
  • Cut the folded sheet into a dense roll. This will be a bud of future rosets.
  • To the core we apply the next leaflet that bend on the outer part. The fold line should be 1-1.5 cm above the core of the flower.
  • Filing the protruding edge of the second leaf out and turn the side edges of the leaf around the flower center. We press the edge of the leaf at the base of the flower.
  • Apply the next maple leaves to the flower, on the opposite side first.
  • We make similar actions, as with a second sheet, namely, we can go to the outer part, then re-flexing the protruding edge and turn around our flower on both sides.

  • We repeat similar actions with the following sheets until you reach the desired size.
  • After you stopped adding new sheets, the rose from the maple leaves must be fixed with the thread.
  • One rose is ready! According to this scheme, we manufacture the required amount of roses.
  • Decorate roses with maple leaves of another color in a circle of a bouquet, under buds.
  • Fix bouquet threads, you can decorate with ribbons.

Roses made of maple leaves are ready!

How to make roses made of maple leaves - option 2

For the manufacture of maple roses, we will need:

  • maple leaves;
  • twigs 20-25 cm;
  • scissors;
  • green Scotch.

Getting to work:

  • We take a small leaflet, turn it on the front side of myself, then bend the tips of the maple leaf on yourself.
  • Twisting the folded sheet into the roll, thereby the bud of our rose appeared.
  • We take the next maple leaf and bending the middle tip of the sheet. We apply the made bud and bend the remaining tips of the sheet inside, then turning around the bud. The next sheet is applied to the seam of the previous one. It will not give the flower after turn around.
  • By similar technology, add maple leaves until you reach the desired size of the rose.

  • I am fixed at the base of the bud, the sebal of leaves, green scotch. If you want your roses to be with long stems, together with the leaf stems, attach a twist and secure green scotch all over the entire length of the twist.
  • According to this twisting technology, we produce the desired number of roses, then connect them into the lush bouquet.

Rosette made of maple leaves with long stem is ready!

helpful hints

  1. To create roses made of maple leaves, use the sheets of medium or large size.
  2. Do not use supranted, dry leaves. Dry leaves will not be afraid, but will unfold. And the needed leaflets in the finished composition will not look aesthetically.
  3. The most appropriate time to create roses from maple leaves, is November. During this period, the leaves are soft, because they are notepad.
  4. If you want to create roses from maple leaves at another time of year, then you only need to handle the collected paraffin leaflets. To do this, calm the wax from the candle, then dip the leaves on each side in the resulting liquid. On paper laying a paraffin leaf to drying. In this way, the sheet will remain soft for a long time.
  5. The softness of the maple leaves can be maintained by another way, namely to dip in the glycerin solution, then hang foliage a few days before complete drying.
  6. When creating roses, each sheet clip with thread. This will prevent the desired flower disintegration.

From simple natural materials you can create something unusual and very beautiful. Maple leaves are obtained by such beautiful roses. Create autumn bouquets from multi-colored leaves!

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