How to make a ball from paper?

How to make a ball from paper?

When the holiday approaches, the mandal begins. How much is it necessary to prepare, and also dyeing the room, and this is not as simple as it may seem. Today in the market and on the Internet you can buy a lot of everything interesting - decoration, scenery, background, etc. It is worth noting here to immediately note that at the moment this time it is worth it is not even cheap, so there is a reason to try to create decorations with your own hands. In this case, it will be necessary to spend only on materials and all. Let's find out how to independently make balls from paper and what will be needed for this.

Paper Ball Tools

For TOG To make a holiday brighter, you need to try and paper balls from multicolored materials will become excellent assistants in this matter. Do not think that creating such beautiful balls is very difficult, anyone can cope with it.

Today, it is not more relevant on the holidays exactly paper balls, so if you decide to make them with your own hands, it will be straight-in the topic. The main thing is that the executor exactly follows the step-by-step and detailed instructions, which will be shown below. And now for a start, we will understand exactly which materials and tools will be useful to us to create festive paper balls:

  • Papile paper sewing. It is recommended to use it in this case, because it is very flexible, despite the fact that it is quite thin, but also durable. So, work with her and make crafts from it, a pleasure. Do not be afraid to bend it or deform, such material is very well restored after the processes discussed above.
  • Scissors - you can choose any that will be convenient for you. It is not recommended to use too cumbersome, because to produce the process of trimming with their help will be much more complicated. If you decide to make these balls with young children, then it is better to give them small scissors with curved edges.
  • Clay - no other here is not required here in addition to PVA, so too much do not have to spend on the purchase of adhesive composition.
  • Wire or fishing line - it will take to fasten a part of the future craft.

So, when everything is clear with tools and materials (and you are at hand), you can proceed to direct manufacture.

Paper Pompon

If you like bright and very colorful decorations, then this instruction is for you. So, we carry out the following actions to get a beautiful and very bright ball of paper:

  • So, first, we need corrugated paper (sheets 8-9 will be enough). It is necessary to immediately note the fact that it is desirable to take the paper of the same color. But a different shade. Using different shades, you can get a more interesting and bright paper ball.
  • Each sheet will need to be folded so that the harmonica turns out, after which the middle will need to be copper with a sheet of thread so that it turns out a kind of butterfly (you can also use the wire, then the design will be very strong).

  • Immediately, I would like to note that the final result, that is, the resulting product will have the same diameter as the leaf itself, no more if you need a ball of larger diameter, then you need to take a greater format of corrugated paper (not A4, and A3, for example). If the product is smaller, just cut the edges of the sheet and nothing more.
  • So do it with each of the cooked sheets, after which it will be necessary to connect them between themselves to the middle so that it will be so that they will have one common core. Do it better than the same wire.
  • After the proceeded process, you need to engage in the unfolding of each sheet. It can even make a child, so that his help you will not be superfluous, and the child will be very interesting to help you create such beauty.

It is clear that the paper is still much more expensive than usual, so if you have decided to make such balls for the first time, it will be best, if you first stretch on ordinary office paper, and when it will get, already go to a more expensive material.


If you have already made bulk balls, but at the same time, you want to create something more original, then let's deal with how to make balls-cells:

  • First you need to think about how diameter the balls you want to do, and when it is determined, you need to cut a circle of thick cardboard and bend it in half, it will be our template.
  • Now take a cardboard sheet and neatly knife cutting down at the same distance (the slots must be made in the middle and small).
  • Prepare pieces of 40 small paper, and now we put on each of them the finished pattern and apply the glue solely on the label of one color. So we do with each prepared leaf.

  • It's time to smear with glue those pieces that are marked by another color, and ultimately you will collect a one-piece interesting design.
  • Now, to complete all the work, it will be necessary on top and bottom to glue two semicircles, only the product can be made more durable.
  • Now threads will need to flash all the corners of these attached figures and secure the fishing line.

Crafts ready. Now you know how to create beautiful paper balls without spending a lot of time - quickly and beautiful.

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