How to make a ball of paper?

How to make a ball of paper?

Balloons made of paper or napkins are one of the most affordable decor elements. If you can show a fantasy, then from the garland you can decorate the premises for the holiday, the photowon or make a mobile for the baby.

Corrugated paper ball

  • Cut up 9 sheets of two colors with a 40 * 45 cm format. Pre-laying paper, because pages will be uneven.
  • Eliminate the sheets one on one, alternating color. To obtain smooth edges, you can fix heavy objects on both sides.
  • Collapse the harmonica, while each side should be a length of 3 - 5 cm. To fix the harmonica, you need to flash the middle of the usual needle with a thread.
  • Scratching paper must be carefully and competent, without some kind of scheme. Kray.
  • You can choose any form: in the form of an oval or sharp peak. The final form of the ball depends on this.
  • Then you need to form a ball. To do this, straighten the harmoshki sheets and disconnect them from each other.
  • To glue the edges of sheets so that the borders of the paper was not.

On this creation of the volume ball is completed. The decoration can be hung on the ceiling by attaching the ribbon to the center of the product, or place on the horizontal surfaces of the room. Thanks to the corrugated paper, the bulk volume will be saved in any form.

Ball of two colors

  • This decoration can be used as a toy on the Christmas tree.
  • Take a white and color sheet A4 and folded in half three times.
  • With the help of a circulation, draw a circle on the product obtained and cut it.
  • Fold in half circles.
  • Gently apply glue on the sides of the circle and glue them. Replace glue can be bilateral scotch.
  • Glue the obtained parts of the circle among themselves, having formed half the circle of paper.
  • The same manipulations are made with the second half of the circle.
  • Take the wire and connect two halves with hot glue.

Ball from napkins

With this decoration, you can react space and interior elements. The process of making balls involves the presence of napkins, scissors and a stapler, a stencil in the form of a circle, marker, thread. Creating decoration:

  • Take the napkins and fold them into a stack. The volume of the ball depends on the number of napkins.
  • Take a round stencil from plastic or glass.
  • Press on paper stencil so that the imprint remains.
  • Cut circles.
  • Connect the circles in the stapler.
  • Cut the halves, which are directed to the center for several centimeters.
  • Bend the napkin and every ray to give the volume.
  • Bend half of the parts and the other side.
  • Attach the clips to the center of the ball, and thread to it.

Such a ball can be made of paper that is densely napkins. For the decor you can use bright paint or varnish with sparkles. The spectacular view can be obtained if you connect several balls into one.

Paper Ball for Decor

Suspended decoration can be made from the most ordinary paper, rain, glue, ribbons and scissors. For this you need:

  • Folded across sheets and draw a circle with a circulation.
  • Cut circles and cut the diameter.
  • From the resulting halves to make a kulek, which to fasten with glue.
  • The same to do with the rest of the halves.
  • Then glue all the blanks together to form a ball.
  • Cut on the slices of the rain to put inside the ball and fasten with glue.
  • In one of the cones, do a ribbon hole.

This decoration will look great in offices.

Ball from stripes

For the manufacture of a ball need a ruler, marker, scissors and paper, glue. Action Scheme:

  • Draw strips of the same size and cut them. The width depends the density of the ball, and the length of the strip determines the diameter.
  • To create a mid-size ball, you need to make 8 strips with such dimensions - width 1 cm, length 28 cm.
  • Collapse one of them and glue ends.
  • The remaining strips will arrange in the form 3. Bind the remaining 5 strips like this:
  • Fold strips in the form of a plus. This will allow the ball to be uniform.
  • Printed in the center of four pluses before receiving snowflakes.
  • Then proceed to the assembly of the ball, connecting the ends of the strips with glue.

This quick way will allow you to quickly collect a large number of balls. As decoration, you can use beads, ribbons or bows.

Methodology Paper Masha

To create figures, it will take adhesive mortar from flour and water (1 to 5). Adding salt will save from the appearance of mold. It is also necessary to prepare a balloon, sliced \u200b\u200bstrips of newspapers, dense paper.
Stage of work:

  • Creating a basis. To do this, inflate the ball so that it becomes soft.
  • Stick strips on the ball. To do this, to dip in the glue of the strip and evenly attach the ball into several layers.
  • When the glue becomes thick, you need to give the ball the correct shape.
  • Give a figure to dry.
  • After that, plan the resulting product again, dry.
  • The resulting shell will be durable, so it can be decorated at its discretion.

Today, in the field of decorative services, balls from paper are very popular. They look great as suspended decorations, original designer finds to create bright accents. In addition, such balls are a budget version of the decoration for children's celebrations.

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