How to make a peony from corrugated paper?

How to make a peony from corrugated paper?

Corrugated paper peony will become a real scenery for any holiday. Such paper flowers look very beautiful and will serve as an excellent decoration, even if they are simply put in a vase. And make such a peony very simple, let us tell more more in this article.

How to choose corrugated paper?

There are several varieties of corrugated paper: for example, crepe. Crepe paper is mainly used for the manufacture of children's crafts, it is low quality and quickly rushes. For the manufacture of flower-pione, it is better to choose not too thick corrugated paper. More paper for making peony is better to choose more elastic and color-resistant.

  • It is desirable that the corrugated paper is smooth and smooth. The form of the future flower depends on this.
  • For large peonies, paper with elasticity of more than 50% and density - 30 g / m is considered an ideal option.
  • The work on the manufacture of a large peony from corrugated paper takes about one hour.

What do you need for the manufacture of flower-peony?

Need corrugated paper 1- 2 rolls and scissors. In addition, it should also be at hand:

  • glue, in this case it is convenient to use a glue gun;
  • threads and needle;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.
  • balloon;
  • newspaper.

Big Pion Corrugated Paper

When everything you need at hand can be searched for the creation of a flower.

  • First you need to make the form of a future peony. First, we swear the newspaper to the middle pieces.
  • Next to the inflated balloon you need to apply glue, and after sticking newspapers. For the glued layer it is better to use different colors of the newspaper. It is necessary to make 6-7 such layers and leave the ball to dry at least 12 hours.
  • When the workpiece dries, the air balloon should be pierced so that it burst and then the prepared product cut the parts, one slightly more different. That is, there should be two semicircles - one more, the other is less.
  • Now it is necessary to insert a small semicircle into a large and flash two parts together. The main thing is that two forms of beil are well fixed.

  • When the form is ready, you can proceed to the next step - the manufacture of petals for the future flower. To do this, it is necessary to cut petals of different shapes and different sizes. It is not necessary that the petals are just such a form, as in the figure, you can cut petals at your discretion of similar shape.

  • When the billet petals will be ready to begin gluing. It is better to start with the middle of the smallest petals, then a little more and so on.

  • In the manufacture of a flower, it should also plane the edges of the workpiece paper with the same color. We should not forget that before sticking the petal it is necessary to stretch slightly.

  • In the final stage, the peony should be given a form. For this, the lower part is gluable by corrugated paper in a circle, putting the newspaper itself.
  • Cut the biggest petals and glue them to the bottom.

  • Gently straighten all the petals so that the flower is light and air.
  • Flower - Peony is ready! You can add extra green petals, ribbons and other accessories here.

Such a flower-peony will be a great decoration of any interior, it can be used and as a decor for curtains, a story on the wall or just put in a vase.

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