How to weave the spikes

How to weave the spikes

Beautifully made hairstyle attracts the attention of others. One of the most popular and simple options is the spikelet. It keeps a whole day, does not create inconvenience and is simple in weaving. You can learn to weave spikelet on yourself.

To learn to weave the spikelets, you need to be able to make an ordinary braid. If you still do not know how to do this, practice, and then proceed to creating a spikelet. To get a beautiful hairstyle, your hair should be at least 12 cm long. Initially, try making a spikelet with another girl. When you understand the technique of weaving, you can easily create such a hairstyle for yourself. Subsequently, there will be a variety of ribbons, bows and other decorations in the spikelet. Carefully discharge your hair and apply any means for fixing. Ideal wax, mousse or foam. This is necessary so that while the hairstyle of the strands did not slip out of the hands.

To share the hair into small strands, it is preferable to use a comb with a long handle - it will be more convenient for you. If you have a bang, carefully suck it, so that it does not create interference during the creation of a spit. Weaving begins with a crown. If you wish, you can make a small nobody. Stash your hair back - you will have a big strand in your hands, which you need to divide into three parts. Do not cease to ensure that the roosters are not formed. First, make several links of classic braids. Then each side strand complement the strands on the left and on the right side of the remaining hair. Here you should show attentiveness so as not to confuse strands, otherwise the hairstyle will be far from the desired result.

Drive spikelers in the center and make sure that the strands are connected exactly. Please note that spars braids must be the same in thickness. At first, you may have difficulty creating a neat hairstyle, but regular practice will make your own business. Ideally, short strands should not stick out of the spikelet. To do this, we need to weave the braid tight and delay weakened strands. Make weaving until you reach the tip, then fasten it with a small hairpin or gum.

If you are a fan of bulk hairstyles, you can make a spikelet more thick. To do this, we take a ready-made braid for the bottom, and the second hand alternately weaken all the strands. It is also important to comply with accuracy and symmetry - all the strands should be elongated at the same distance. If in some places you have sacred hairs, fix them with invisible. In order for the spikelet for a long time to hold on his head in an original form, apply a few hair lacquer.

It is worth noting that you can not weave the spikelets in the center of the head. Very fashionable are braided spikelets of the side. Two spikes shrug on hair no less beautifully classic option. On thick hair, the hairstyle turns out especially beautiful. But if you have thin hair, do not be mistaken - at the end you can always make your braids more voluminous. A small neat bald and woven tape will also add more volumes. If you want to drain the ribbon, connect it with any strand and continue to weave the spikelets. Make sure that it was in a pair only with one strand and not intertwined with others.

Now you know how to create a beautiful spikelet and its variations. You can do both everyday and elegant hairstyle, adding only a few accessories or changing the variation of the hairstyle. Be prepared for the fact that the first time the result of weaving may not inspire you, but as is known, the first pancake in most cases is a com.

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