How to glue eyelashes

How to glue eyelashes

Beauty - Great Power. But the women themselves create it. Today there are hundreds of little secrets, with which the appearance can not be improved, but to make it fabulous. One of these secrets is false eyelashes.

In general, the design of eyelashes is lightweight, it can be carried out at home alone, but at the same time it requires maximum attention and caution. Artificial eyelashes can be bought in many cosmetic stores. It is inexpensive, fast, beautiful, but also briefly. The set will also have a special glue and a means that will help subsequently remove eyelashes. Overhead eyelashes are sold in the form of individual hairs, beams and ribbons.

The first step to do is to deflect the eyelids and remove the remnants of the previous makeup from them. This procedure is required, since further you will have to impose eyelashes for glue, and on the oily skin it will be kept poorly. Therefore, first of all, we use the means for removing makeup. All work is carried out in front of the mirror and in a well-lit room. After all, only so you can not only feel, but also see the shortcomings. Also, the assistant will become tweezers in this case. Its tips can be raised overhead eyelashes and try on the eye. If their length is larger than the eye cut, then unnecessary can be carefully trimmed with scissors.

When buying, pay attention to the length. It is better to take those who are a little longer than their own eyelashes. After the length of the band was determined, you can proceed directly to the glue.

Perhaps several ways of applying glue to the edge of false eyelashes:

  • The first is to pour the substance on a thin thread that holds the bunches of the eyelashes.
  • The second is to squeeze the fixing substance on the title side of the palm of the palm and carefully loosen the band in the glue.
  • For the third method, toothpicks are used to apply fixture. Bundles and individual eyelashes are kept tweezers. Their tips are macked in glue.

Most often glue transparent or black. You can not use other types of adhesive composition. Such experiments can spoil the vision and cause an allergic reaction. It is very important that overhead eyelashes are glued only by the eyelid, under the growth line of their eyelashes. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to work in turn - first one eye, then the second. After the glue flashes on the ribbon, the eyelashes should be held still half a minute so that the substance is evenly spread.

The next step - we apply the tape or the beam as close as possible to the growth line of your own eyelashes. For a better effect, you need to press them with your fingers or tweezers. During a minute you can check how well they attached. Most often, the eyelashes are sprinkled on the corners of the eyes. To correct the situation, apply another drop of glue into segments, which is poorly fixed with a toothpick or thin bone and press again. When an artificial object is in place and holds firmly, it's time to mix it with natural eyelashes. This can be done using a brush. Combanic, mixed eyelashes add naturalness effect.

Next, you should apply a new makeup. You need to start painting with shadows, then eyeliner. Be sure to use the mascara. Such an action will make a visual difference between your eyelashes and overheads minimal. In order to complete the reincarnation, you need to bring the eyelid black pencil.

Rocked eyelashes in the cabin can hold up to two months. But such pleasure is not cheap. It also needs professional care. Its cheap analog is artificial eyelashes. Such can decorate the eyes of several days. If you do not rub them, you can hold out to the pair of weeks. Frequent manipulation can cause eye irritation and lead to the fallout of native eyelashes. Therefore, everything should be in moderation. Do not get involved. If you are a supporter of gorgeous eyelashes, better look for a good mascara for every day, which will noticeably increase the volume and length of hairs.

So, false eyelashes are a convenient and cheap way to make eyes expressive. As a result, you will get gorgeous, lush eyelashes, such as advertising directories. A view from under such long and black eyelashes will melt the hearts of even the most impregnable.

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