Twenty-feather age is the age when it is time to take care of your skin. Of course, this concern cannot be consistent with the abundant application of radical acting cosmetics, but should only maintain the state in which it is now. Proper skin care in the early pores will keep the youth and beauty of our face for a long time. We learn what masks will be useful to us in this matter.
Berry mix
Summer season gives us a huge variety of berries. For the skin, it will be very useful for the skin, but the berry mask is quite saturated with vitamins. All berries are going to move, which are handed over, however, freshly washed fruits are more desirable. Among them are the most popular - it is strawberries, raspberries, black currants, grapes.
- Take on the tablespoon of each variety of berries.
- Throw them into a homogeneous mass.
- We apply a mixture on your face and wash off earlier than an hour.
- We rine a chamomile decoction or cool water.
Fruit mask
Excellent tone and refresh the face of fruit masks, including the fruits of various types of fruit. In almost all fruit mixtures, it is customary to use lemon juice, as it is an excellent disinfector and skin cleaner from the fat layer. Grapefruit has a rejuvenating property, and the banana and coconut restores the skin tissue, caring for sufficient moisture of its porous structure. Do not forget about Kiwi, after which the face becomes incredibly gentle to the touch. Fruits are fluttered in Kashitz connect with olive oil and at half an eye hold on the face. As usual, flushing is better to carry out cold water.
Vegetable mask
Vegetable masks are one of the most useful and universal. Among vegetables, a zucchini, cucumber and carrots are suitable for maintaining the youth.
- Products do not need to cook.
- In the raw form crushing them on a blender or three on a fine grater.
- Squeeze the liquid and thick weighing the face of the face.
- We expect about thirty minutes, then wash your face with a wafer towel.
- Additional means for washes are not recommended to be applied, it is effectively some time to resemble with the residues of vegetable juice remaining in the pores.
Winter mask
For the winter period, the actual lack of required vegetables and fruits is characteristic. Therefore, we draw attention to what you can replace them. We purchase a special white clay, it is the most neutral acting from all types of clays. We divorce it in the desired proportion with water or decoction of calendula, adding a few drops of lemon juice and a quarter of a cup of kefir. According to the type of leather, we select the fat content of kefir. If the face is inherent to the abundant selection of the sebaceous glands, the percentage of fatty should be minimal, and vice versa. This mask will help not only stop all inflammatory processes, but also relieve the skin from black points.
General rules for masks after 25 years
To make the right use of masks, select several necessary aspects:
- When applied to the mixture on the face, we must wash off the makeup with water, without using different tonic and lotions.
- Despite the naturalness of the components, it will not be superfluous to make a preliminary test for an allergic reaction.
- We definitely rub each mask, but without sharp and pulling movements so that the skin does not stretch.
- It is impossible to wash off the masks of hot water, as skin pores increase additionally and can easily clog. Recommended contrast washout of masks. First, we wash the mixture with warm water, then cold, after again I barely warm and so on.
- It is desirable to apply a nutrient cream or cream after the procedure.
- The use of toxic oils and agents for old skin is prohibited.
So we learned simple recipes for skin care after twenty-five years. It turns out that the appearance of the skin in the future does not depend so much from treatment as from prevention. Let's take care of your health easily.