How to treat chirry - 5 ways

How to treat chirry - 5 ways

Chirny is a boil, inflammation on the skin, accompanied by the suppuration. First, the hair bag is inflamed and the surrounding fabrics are gradually involved. Usually the reason for the occurrence of chiraia is golden, less often - white staphylococcus. What measures can be taken to cure chirry?

First method - ointments, compresses

Immediately I would like to make a reservation: you can only heal the chirns at home only in the event that its size does not exceed 5 mm, there is no increase in body temperature, weakness, drowsiness or nausea. All these symptoms suggest that the process is much more serious than a simple boil and probably infection has penetrated more deeply than seemed at first glance. With the manifestation of all of the above signs, you need to immediately contact the reception room at the hospital attendance, where there is a surgical department, or cause ambulance.

When a furuncle on the surface of the skin, it is necessary to speed up the process of its maturation, or as they say in the people so that the chirns are faster than narrowing. For this purpose, local treatment is usually applied, the most popular and simple is the overlay of ointments. Special ointments make it not only to speed up the process of ripening a furuncle, but also reduce swelling, reduce pain, will prevent the spread of infection to healthy fabrics.

Before you impose an ointment, the Chiraia place must be processed by any of the following funds:

  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Boric alcohol.
  • Salicylic alcohol.
  • Camphor alcohol.

Proceed from the edges of the inflamed place to the center. This is done in order to prevent and prevent the spread of infection.

From processing a furuncle with a solution with a diamond green or iodine, it is better to refuse. These actions can cause burns of affected tissues, as well as disguise the development of a furuncle.

What drugs are better to apply in order to speed up the ripening of a furuncle, soften the skin in the wound area and reduce pain:

  • Salicylic acid in the form of ointments or powder.
  • Balsamic liniment in Vishnevsky (Vishnevsky ointment).
  • Levosin.
  • Ichthyolka.

The dressings with these ointments increase blood circulation in the place of applying, thereby activating the process of aging furuncule. It is better to use dry compresses, changing them as often as possible, sometimes up to 10 times a day. Sometimes the compress is heated to accelerate processes. But here the main thing is not to rearrange, and not to use any heating at elevated body temperature, as this can lead to a complication.

If the bursting of the Chiraia is accompanied by a strong pulsating, or as they speak in the people, "the shocking" pain, then anesthetic can be accepted:

  • Ibuprofen.
  • Ketarol.
  • Paracetamol.
  • Analgin.

For applying ointments, it is very convenient to use a postoperative plaster. It is sterile and passes air, it is convenient to use. An example of such a plaster is a "cosmopor".

Second Method - Medicinal Products

If the applying of ointments is impossible for one or another reasons, then it is possible to start taking a furuncle with the help of drugs. However, it is not necessary to take them right away. Usually medications are prescribed by a doctor and not earlier than 5+ day after the furuncular detection. And to assign antibiotics should be weighty bases. These are usually strong enough drugs. So, under what states the doctor can write down drug treatment:

  • Furuncule size exceeds 5 mm in diameter.
  • Furunculosis is developing - the multiple occurrence of chires in one or different locations by body.
  • Chiraia appeared on the head, in groin, in the armpits.
  • The body temperature rises and exceeds 37.5 degrees.
  • Lymph nodes increase.
  • The process of infection goes deep into and furunculus turns into a carbuncoon or other varieties of large suppuration.
  • A man who has a furuncle has problems with hearts, kidneys, and also if suffering from diabetes mellitus.

What drugs can prescribe a doctor:

  • Erythromycin.
  • Cloxacillin.
  • Lincomicin.
  • Vibromycin or other preparations of a wide range of action at the discretion of the attending physician.

It is better not to be treated independently, staphylococcus cunning, it has a property to produce addictive to those or other drugs, so the doctor will first assign a number of analyzes and on the basis of the results will already appoint an adequate treatment situation.

It is also necessary to know that the therapy with antibiotics doctors is usually diluted with antihistamine means, which will allow the fabrics not to respond to toxins.

Third way - the use of folk methods

Many are skeptical about traditional medicine and ignore it, but in the case of chires it is worth listening to it. Folk Medicine gives real tips on the treatment of boils, and some methods will not even allow the furuncle to develop if its development was found at an early stage.

  • In equal shares, mix rye bitch, honey and warm water. Apply to the patient, attaching a bandage. Change regularly every 3 hours. This method sometimes drowshes the development of a furuncle in its proper. The main thing here is not to miss the moment.
  • After the disappearance burst or was opened, there are bonquies based on iodized salt. Preparation of the solution for adults - 3 tbsp. Spoons on a liter of water. Children - 2 ppm On a glass of water, it is better to take boiled. The rim can be applied every 4 hours, for a short time.
  • Onions perfectly pulls the pus. To do this, the white bulb is baked (half an hour at 180 degrees), knead to the taper, which is applied to the wound and fixate the bandage. It is desirable to change this compress after 5 hours.
  • Raw potatoes grate on the track, add honey in the amount of 1 tsp, mix thoroughly, tie the resulting mixture to the chirahi, change 1 time at 4 o'clock.
  • Young aloe leaf to break, get rid of barbles, crush into the crawl, apply to the wound. Aloe not only accelerates the ripening of a furuncle and pulls the pus, but also is able to drown out its development, if you begin treatment at the early stage of chire.
  • You can also cook the buckwheat porridge on the water, not seasoning, grind it into the paste and apply to the patient with the place with the help of a dressing, changing every 4 hours. Buckwheat will speed up the suppuration, facilitates the state and accelerate healing.

Fourth Method - Deleting Chire

You should not open the dust yourself. However, if it is not possible to resort to medical care, and the chirns are in any area on the body, with the exception of the head, then it can be opened at home. But you can not open any dust. The main thing is that he is ripe and was ready for this autopsy. Signs of booster readiness for autopsy:

  • Since the formation of a furuncule was the minimum week.
  • On top of the furuncule, the focus is clearly awesome, the so-called epicenter, usually it is yellow-white.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bredness, which at first was abundant and painful, decreased markedly.

Before vskryvaniem boils need to stock up on the following subjects for the strengthening of security measures:

  • Protective goggles to avoid getting pus in the eyes. Usually at autopsy boil the contents of the wound tends to sprinkle in different directions, and the mucous eye, in this case - the most unprotected place of the person who performs the autopsy boil.
  • Surgical or any other silicone, latex or rubber gloves.
  • Any alcohol, boron, camphor, ethyl - you will need it for processing tools and okoloranevoy surface.
  • Tweezers, nail may well come.
  • Cotton pad, sterile wipes, bandage or gauze.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Levomekol.
  • Thin needle from the syringe.

If at least one component is missing, the boil is better to postpone the autopsy.

How does the opening process:

  1. Wear goggles and gloves.
  2. Boil and the surface around him treat alcohol.
  3. Needle from the syringe unpack furuncle bit side. Do not be afraid, it will not hurt.
  4. The effluent must be chosen pus sterile towels or wipes or bandage soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
  5. On the boil can push a little bit like the bottom. If pus comes out easily, it will help get rid of it as much as possible. If not - then just remove the pus come out on their own. push with force in any case impossible. This may cause a deeper infection.
  6. After the appearance of ichor need to stop to remove the pus, treat the wound with peroxide, apply a bandage with levomekol.

The fifth method - a radical - hospitalization

In the event that boils began to appear one after another or at the same time jumped out a few pieces, an urgent need to go to the hospital. Multiple abrasions not overcome on their own. But even if one single furuncle fever, people listless, weak, experiencing bouts of nausea - this is also a reason to see a doctor.

Usually in such cases the person is hospitalized. Abscesses opened surgically, and then a few days was observed in the hospital, to carry out reconstruction and anibiotikoterapiyu. Dressing for control of new boils produce every day, as prescribed physiotherapy to promote healing.

What can not be tolerated in the treatment of a boil?

  • Better yourself not to try to remove the boil by applying opening by piercing, incision or extrusion. This can lead to negative consequences.
  • Heat chirns at the initial stage categorically impossible.
  • Before using ointments, you need to make sure that the affinity on the body is a boil. Since in some other varieties of ulcers, Vishnevsky's ointment use contraindicated ..

With boils need to be as cautious. And it is better not to take any action without consulting and appointments of the doctor. So you can avoid complications and quickly get rid of annoying chire.

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Oksana 09/09/2018 at 17:48.

I know how to treat a furuncle, brought. It is necessary to squeeze a little naphtaderma onto a cotton disk, attach to the furuncle and take a reliably plaster. Take such manipulation you need twice a day. After three or four days, the ointment will pull out the whole pus, but to heal quickly and without consequences, you need to do this for a few more days, as naphtaderm heals well and disinfect.

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