Furunculosis - causes and treatment

Furunculosis - causes and treatment

Furunculosis is a disease that affects the follicle and connective tissue. Rashes can appear throughout the body or in one place. The boil can have the size of a pea, and sometimes a walnut. The suppuration process affects the area around the follicle.

Causes of furunculosis

Furunculosis occurs as a result of the penetration into the hair follicle of the staphylocock bacteria. In this case, the skin swells, forming a swelling, which is filled with pus. Until all the contents come out, the rash will hurt.
Causes of general furunculosis:

  • weakened immunity, lack of vitamins, poor -quality nutrition;
  • consequences of severe infections;
  • chronic diseases, impaired metabolism;
  • frequent hypothermia or overheating;
  • physical overwork of the body and malfunctions of the nervous system;
  • complications of eczema and scabies.

Favorable to the development of the disease, local factors as injuring skin and pollution, excessive sweating, diabetes and adolescence.

Treatment of the disease

The dermatologist must control the furunculosis. Self -medication can lead to an increase in rashes. In no case should you use Vishnevsky ointment until pus exit from the capsule.

  • Also, you can not squeeze the rods with the cans and hands. Such premature autopsy leads to the partition of the areas of healthy skin by bacteria, and the rod does not fully go out and leads to the chronic process.
  • The doctor opens the boil with a cut to remove pus.
  • Often treatment is accompanied by taking antibiotics, for example, oleandomycin, sumamed, metachylin.
  • Recommendations for the disease are to limit water procedures. If this is an extensive furunculosis, then baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection are recommended. You can also wipe healthy skin with salicylic alcohol or furatsiline.
  • When scratches and cuts appear, green is required, frequent linen replacement.
  • It is important to adhere to a diet, namely, it is not fatty, spicy food. To focus on vitamins and protein, which improve tissue regeneration.
  • During the ripening period, healthy skin to reduce pain and stop the process of fesu is chosen by novocaine with antibiotics.
  • External treatment involves the use of dimxide, Balm Shostakovsky, Vishnevsky ointment, biopine.
  • Treatment of severe chronic furunculosis involves the use of stimulating drugs. It can be droppers or injections of gamma-globulin, aloe extract.

Additional procedures

To avoid complications, the following procedures are often prescribed:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • UHF-Termi gives a positive effect in all stages of the disease;
  • the use of gamma-globulin;
  • ozino- and vitamin therapy;
  • autohemotransfusion;
  • Ufok.

Strengthening immunity

Classules are products of a weakened organism. Therefore, you need to revise the food. Include a large number of green leafy vegetables and raw foods in the diet to increase the absorption of nutrients. Exclude caffeine and sugar, food products that inhibit immunity. A combination of vitamins and drugs is recommended to strengthen the immune system:

  • vitamin C to stimulate the body;
  • vitamin E as a powerful antioxidant;
  • vitamin A to strengthen immunity;
  • zinc for quick recovery;
  • garlic as an antiseptic;
  • phytonutrients;
  • dandelion, burdock, kelp for detoxification of the liver.

Immunomodulating treatment should be prescribed after the immunogram. Taking antibiotics is appropriate when relapses or complications occur, rashes on the face.

Folk methods

You can treat boils at home with the following methods:

  • pine bath

The plant contains a lot of vitamin C and essential oils. The adoption of baths has a tonic and analgesic effect.

  • Dough

For preparation, you will need a yolk and a spoonful of melted butter, flour. Apply the resulting dough to the affected area and fix it with a bandage. Change the dough several times a day.

  • Sulfur

Sulfur in the form of powder is sold in a pharmacy. It must be taken with food. It is also contained in poppy, caviar, pig of tongue, peas and cheeses.

  • Special ointments

For cooking, beeswax, 250 ml of vegetable oil, sulfur, upper layers of the bulb are required. Boil the oil for an hour, after boiling, place sulfur and 100 g wax. After 30 minutes, add the peel of the bulbs. Then strain the resulting mixture and pour it into banks. After it froze, lubricate the affected areas.

  • Garlic compresses.

During the ripening period, it is necessary to apply garlic compresses for the rapid course of the disease. Preparation: cut the head and attach it to the place, having previously cleared the skin. If the boil is ripened, you can make garlic gruel. Put the mixture on gauze to fix with a patch.

  • Laundry soap.

Grate the soap and combine with water. Boil on fire. Apply the resulting ointment to the boil.
Treating at home the disease is quite simple and easy.

If you follow the rules of personal hygiene, properly treat pustular and systemic diseases, lead a healthy lifestyle, then this will be preventive measures.

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Larisa 09/26/2018 at 0:51

When the boil matures, the pus is very contrast. And by the way, from the article I realized that Vishnevsky’s ointment was put incorrectly. Therefore, when he reappeared, she put a cotton wool with Naftaderm and fixed it with adhesive plasters, in the morning and evening. On the third day, the ointment pulled out the whole pus, which remained all on Vatka. It is very important that Naftaderm has anti -inflammatory and disinfectant properties. After him, I had no boils anywhere else.


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