Brings his legs at night - causes and treatment

Brings his legs at night - causes and treatment

Each person at least once faced such a painful sensation as cramps in the legs. This is definitely pleasant in this, especially when cramps happen at night and interfere with sleep. The cramp can “grab” in any part of the legs and the reasons for this are very different. Why does it take legs at night and what needs to be done in such situations? Let's figure it out.

The reasons why it takes the legs at night

The simplest reason is that you are just uncomfortable or sleeping. Perhaps you should just roll over and learn to sleep in another position (for example, not on your back, but on your side). There is a theory that spasms happen when a person dreams of a nightmare, which is caused by a very strong physical exertion throughout the day. In your dream you can run, and this, in turn, is accompanied by the movement of the legs in reality. This leads to pain

  • Very often the legs can be reduced due to a lack of vitamins in the body, for example, potassium or calcium.
  • The reason may also be elderly age or pregnancy.
  • Sometimes spasms can cause a stressful situation.
  • Poisoning with products or medicines very often lead to a convulsive state of the legs
  • Also, the cause may be a violation of blood circulation.
  • If you are sick, for example, with flu or meningitis, expect caviar in calves or on your toes. However, knowing the reason for your convulsions, you urgently need to inform the attending physician about this, otherwise the negative consequences will not be long in coming.
  • Another reason is a lack of glucose in the blood. Simply put, diabetics often suffer from spasms in the legs.
  • A serious cause of spasms is a traumatic brain injury. Here you need to be careful and under the control of doctors. Moreover, if after such injuries you are faced with convulsions, and your doctor does not know this - immediately tell him about this. Indeed, in this case, “reduced” legs can signal serious problems.
  • The spinal diseases may well be the cause of these unpleasant sensations. It can be osteochondrosis, hernia, etc.
  • An unusual cause may be too high ambient temperature.
  • Varicose veins (expansion of veins) can also provoke the appearance of seizures.
  • The presence of too large caffeine in the body can also be the reason that the leg is “enough”. It is advisable to reduce the amount of coffee in your diet.
  • Another reason can be called nicotine.
  • Flat feet.

As you can see, the reasons can be very diverse. Therefore, you need to be careful about your body to understand what exactly causes spasms.

Treatment of seizures in the legs

What is the treatment? There are many ways to overcome convulsions in the legs, let's look at them:

  • If you have flat feet, then the best option for treating spasms will be wearing special shoes, which treats, in fact, flat feet.
  • If you do not have enough nutrients in the body, you just need to drink a course of the necessary trace elements and vitamins. This will reduce the likelihood of another spasm.
  • Massage movements in places where cramps most often occurs. This will relax the muscles and reduce the chances that the cramp will return.
  • Rubbing of the legs with mustard powder or oil. The process is unpleasant, but effective.
  • Warming ointments will also be able to help you.
  • Before going to bed, it is advisable to rinse your legs with water at room temperature.
  • Put the pillow in the area of \u200b\u200bthe foot before bedtime.
  • Reduce the amount of nicotine in the body - give up smoking.
  • Solving problems for women - take away for the time of heels from your life. In extreme cases, you can go to a lower heel.
  • The best solution will be a consultation with a doctor who will determine the exact cause of seizures in the legs and prescribe the correct and effective treatment.

Well, having examined the possible causes of seizures, it becomes very obvious that unpleasant pains can occur both due to harmless circumstances (like an uncomfortable posture during sleep), and due to dangerous ailments (spinal diseases or neurological disorder). It is necessary to carefully observe your body in order to protect yourself and avoid both spasms and diseases of organs, which are the cause of seizures in the legs.

Comments leave a comment
Zoya 06/23/2022 at 20:06

In fact, it is also very important to ensure good conductivity of nerve fibers, because it greatly affects whether you will have neuropathy or not. So if there are similar sensations, I recommend taking the Evalarov Honda Neuro courses. In this regard, it has established itself very well ... unless of course foreign analogues, but they are still not available for sale now.


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