Bags under the eyes of the cause and treatment

Bags under the eyes of the cause and treatment

Bags under the eyes are a fairly common problem in female and male. Often, men do not betray this value, considering this problem with a cosmetic defect. But really, bags are Symptom of the disease, and to clarify the reasons for such a phenomenon will have to visit the doctor.

Causes of bags of bags under the eyes

The skin and subcutaneous cloths under the eyes begin to swell, the resulting bags appear. It also happens as a result of a decrease in skin elasticity due to its aging. Therefore, the defect does not always sign about illness. Bags may appear in such cases:

  • Excessive use of salty food. Water is delayed in the body due to salt, leads to a permanent request to drink. And a large amount of fluid in the body causes swelling under the eyes.
  • Insufficient sleep. At least 8 hours a day you need to sleep.
  • The use of a large amount of alcohol leads to the fact that water is delayed in the body.
  • Elevated level of estrogen.
  • Skin aging, which leads to loss of elasticity and elasticity. This also happens because of a long stay under the open sun, smoking, alcohol and because of hereditary factors.

If a person is healthy, then bags must disappear in the morning. When age-related changes, bags do not disappear in the evening, but do not increase.


Massage is Effect agent in the fight against bags. With light movements, massage the edema towards the ears. At the same time there is a massage bioactive Points in the cheekbone area that affect eye effect. For more smooth movements, you need to use the essential oil, diluted olive.

Massage can be made by ice cubes, ragger chamomile or tea. Movement must be made from the eye towards the cheeks, slightly squeezing the edema. Skin cooling will improve blood circulation, but it is important not to overdo it here. Because it can lead to a runny nose or sinusitis.

Contrast baths are also beneficial on the skin. To do this, pour a bowl with warm and cold water. Take a towel, moisten it with cold water and attach to the eyes. After This wash warm water.


Remove the bags under the eyes can be compresses:

  • From different varieties of tea. Tannes, which are contained in tea, reduce the edema, and caffeine - narrows vessels. Chamomile tea has an anti-inflammatory, soothing effect, and he is able to shoot redness and swelling. For compresses, you will need to moisten the cotton disk in the tea to be applied to the eye.
  • Vitamin E. This element soothes and relieves irritation. In the container with water, add a couple of drops of vitamin and stir. Mixed cotton balls hold twenty minutes. This method helps to prevent swelling in the morning. In addition, he also softens, nourishes, smoothes the skin.


This is the most radical way to get rid of edema. Today, pricks are popular with Pinocxidwhich reduce bags under the eyes. This mixture activates blood circulation, resolving swelling.

Reception of diuretic drugs

To reduce swelling, it is necessary to remove the fluid. If it is not possible to make it outdoor ways, it is recommended to receive diuretic drugs. But they remove useful substances from the body, including calcium. For this reason, they need to be applied only with vitamins. It will take advice with a doctor about the reception of medicines for treating edema.


Often the cause of bags are the hernia of the eyelids, which manifest themselves with dark circles. This problem is treated by a surgical method, removing excess the adhesive fabric under the eyes. The procedure has a name blepharoplasty. Thus, excess skin and subcutaneous fiber is removed, and after the seams are superimposed. After the operation, there are no traces, thanks to modern technologies and equipment.


Bags under the eyes need to be treated systematically. The apparent effect brings masks to do constantly.

  • Mask from egg squirrel. This product has a tightening effect, due to which the condition near the eye is significantly improved.
  • Mask From strawberries. Has action lifting, smoothes and refreshes skin covers. Preparation: Berries cut pieces and put on a problem area.
  • Masks From parsley. Green cut and leave in the refrigerator. If the skin is sensitive and dry, then it is better to combine with sour cream.
  • Lepi From buckwheat. Enter pellets in the evening. For cooking you need to pre- plot Crupe, crushing in a coffee grinder to the consistency of flour. After that, combine with water so that it turns out thick dough.
  • Mask from apples. Unty apples are cleaned swelling.
  • Gel masks. This is a convenient, efficient and budgetary. They are sold in pharmacies. They can be used at any time. To begin with, cool the mask in the water, and then apply under the eyes.

Salon procedures will not bring a special result, but will hit the pocket. For this reason, it is better to shoot the humanity in the conditions of the house.

Bags under the eyes may be due to serious illness. For this reason, before treatment, you need to consult with a specialist.

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