Sometimes a person may not even know that stones were formed in his gallbladder. The symptoms of the disease are quite ambiguous, a person can have pain in the back, nausea and vomiting. Diagnose stones in the bile can only doctor. About how to act with such a diagnosis, methods of struggle and prevention are described in detail in our article.
Basic symptoms of the disease
According to statistics, diseases of the gallbladder, women suffer more. Especially the risk group includes future mothers and girls who have long used birth control pills. Anxiety signals for visiting a doctor are:
- regular pain that gives to the right hypochondrium (pain may be given in the shoulder);
- the total weakness of the body;
- nausea, vomiting, vomiting urge;
- bitterness in the mouth (most often manifested after consuming fatty foods);
- insignificant increase in body temperature;
- facial color, hands can have a yellowish shade;
- constant belching;
- changing the color of the wheel masses;
- constipation that can change acute diarrhea;
- the pain is enhanced after the use of acute, bitter food.
Medicia treatment
The stones in the bustling bubble are diagnosed on the basis of the results of the abdominal ultrasound. Analysis will help identify the amount and size of stones. If the disease is launched and not to provide timely treatment, then the patient may be on the operating table with an indication of the removal of the gallbladder. In the case when the stones are small and do not bother a person, there are no readings to the operation. Most often, the patient is prescribed:
- the use of the drug Uroofalk (treatment with this medicine is quite protracted);
- crushing stones of the shock wave (crushed stones are out of the body naturally, the process is quite painful);
- surgical removal of stones (if the patient feels bad)
Doctors are convinced that the most effective method of removing stones is an operation. The use of medicines only derete surgery, especially, drug treatment has a number of complications, the liver suffers especially.
Non-traditional treatment
Man is always in search of non-traditional treatment. Folk healers are convinced that from stones in the bustling bubble, you can get rid of folk methods. Please note that the use of the folk remedies below is not scientifically proven, but they can significantly improve the condition of the human body:
- 1 recipe - 3 times a day (preferably on an empty stomach) drink 100 olive oil and drink enough water;
- 2 recipe - 300 g. Chicken stomachs thoroughly clean and dry naturally, crushed to powder state, folk medicine drinking 1 tbsp. spoons in the morning per hour before meals (duration of the course of treatment 21-30 days);
- 3 Recipe - 1 tbsp. Castor oil drink 3 times a day for a week (during the course of treatment with castor oil, only meat or vegetable broths are allowed);
- 4 recipe - prepare separately beet, cucumber and carrot juice, mix them (drink 1 glass of juice in the morning and in the evening);
- 5 recipe - 2 tbsp. crude oats pour 2 l. boiling water, instead and drink a glass in the morning, instead of tea (Course treatment for 2-3 months, depending on the size and number of stones);
- 6 Recipe - 1 tbsp. Honey mixed with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil (it is necessary to interfere counterclockwise), a course of treatment 10 days, take a break for 4 days and repeat the course;
- 7 recipe - make juice from fresh strawberries, drink 100 ml in front of breakfast. juice (strawberry treatment rate is 15-25 days);
- 8 recipe - once a week eat only apricots (treatment lasts 2 months);
- 9 Recipe - Purchase Syrup from Rastoropsy in the pharmacy (you can also use a tableted shape), drinking 1 tbsp. l. daily.
Also as unconventional treatment of stones is considered acupuncture.
Remember that self-treatment can harm health. If you use folk treatments, be sure to consult with your attending physician.