What is cystitis?

What is cystitis?

Pain in the bladder area, painful and frequent urination - these signs are most likely to say that a person fell ill and his illness is called cystitis. Of course, only a doctor can put an accurate diagnosis, but everyone should know the symptoms and signs of the manifestation of cystitis and how to help themselves before the visit to the doctor, as sometimes the pain is unbearable.

Causes and symptoms of cystitis

Custitis is inflammation of the urinary system, and if there is a specific bladder. At the same time, the female half of the population suffers from cystitis. Why it happens? The thing is that the width of the urinary ducts in women is much larger than that of men, which makes the penetration of infection inside the body of women easier.

Usually, the causes of cystitis attack are:

  • The man was overcooked, and not always in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis.
  • The mucous membrane of the bladder was injured.
  • The fact that a person is forced to constantly sit.
  • Food, usually unnecessary salty or acute, as well as with an abrasiveness of fat content.
  • Diseases of gynecology or venereology.
  • Any infection is listed in the body.
  • Sex without barrier contraception, or simply put - unprotected sexual intercourse.
  • Doubtful, irregular or insufficient genital hygiene.

How the disease manifests itself:

  • A person is experiencing a permanent and strong pain in the pubic area, where, in fact, the bladder is located.
  • Calls to urination are private, it is insignificant and extremely painful.
  • Urine with cleans most often happening muddy.
  • If the disease has gained a heavy form, then the body temperature can be climbed.

Cystitis can be divided into:

  • Bacterial - this type of cystitis can be caused by various types of infections, while the method of infection can be the most diverse, optionally through the urinary paths.
  • Non-bacterial - is a disease of the bladder is caused by the fact that its mucosa is irritated by various means or formulations, ranging from drugs and ending with food.
  • The chronic form - here cystitis is not as pronounced as in its acute manifestation and is usually concomitant diseases to other diseases.

How to treat cystitis?

Of course, that before you start treatment, the patient must be diagnosed by a professional, a urologist or a therapist. What are the methods of diagnosis of cystitis?

  • OAM
  • bakposev
  • Diagnosis of urine on Nechiporenko method.
  • Cystoscopy.
  • Biopsy.
  • Ultrasound procedure.
  • PCR.

Once diagnosed, the doctor prescribes treatment:

  • The patient is assigned to bed rest.
  • Abundant warm drink.
  • Light diet, with the exception of sharp, salty, alcohol.
  • Drug therapy, the doctor prescribes medications that are appropriate to the type and severity of the disease.

Of course, that before receiving a doctor must somehow live, and remove the pain inherent in cystitis, you can be taking pain relievers, such as ibuprofen.

disease prevention

  • To prevent disease, it is necessary first of all to avoid hypothermia, especially should keep the pelvic region.
  • Hygiene must be maintained regularly and carefully.
  • Do not get involved too salty or spicy food.
  • If diagnosed sexual ureogenitalnye or infection, then they should be treated as quickly as possible.
  • Underwear is best to use only natural materials.

Cystitis - an unpleasant disease that can disrupt the plans and cause other diseases, so we need to be attentive to your body and its signals of the first manifestations of the disease, and immediately go to the doctor.

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