How to remove the veins on the legs

How to remove the veins on the legs

With the problems of legs, namely with the veins on them, many people face. In his youth for this, usually do not pay attention. But with age, the problem becomes more and more weighty. How to get rid of varicose manifestations?

Causes of varicose

Of course, the varicose veins are not all. Mostly the causes of this disease becomes severe physical work and heredity, wearing uncomfortable shoes and tooling the baby, and other reasons. While the varicose veins is not obvious, people do not take any action, as it does not bother them. But it is important to know that as soon as the veins designate, it may mean that only surgical intervention can be the main method of treatment. The main thing is to follow your feet, watch to notice any changes on time and proceed to treatment in a timely manner.

Ways to remove Vienna

The first and, probably, the most efficient and fast way to get rid of varicose veins on the legs is an operation. It can be produced at all at any stage of the disease. By the way, a doctor with a specialization "Phlebology" is engaged in the problems of foot and veins, it can assign adequate treatment and decide on the need for an operation.

But not everyone is ready to be ready for a surgeon under the knife, even though the protruding veins on their feet cause pain, discomfort, legs cease to look aesthetic and girls and women have to resort to various tricks to hide legs with swollen veins from strangers and their own eyes . Are there really effective ways to remove the veins on the legs without surgery?

It is important to know that non-Iperative ways to remove the veins on the legs are effective only at the very beginning of the disease, while the veins are not yet amazed and not stretched strongly. And mostly helps only a complex impact, so the use of some one method can disappoint that it will not bring the expected result.

Remember! Self-medication can lead to negative consequences and complications. Any treatment must be appointed by a doctor and pass under his control!

Wearing a special compression knitwear

It can be special compression golf, tights or stockings. They will help evenly distribute pressure on their feet, which will facilitate the state, will not allow the varicose veins to develop further if it is prevented when it is threatened.

Medicia treatment

Drugs are considered one of the main ways to suspend or prevent varicose veins. Preparations are divided into oral administration, which are accepted inside, and those that are applied outdoor.

  • Verotonics are prescribed to patients in order to strengthen the walls of the vessels, their tone and elasticity increase, pain decreases, the appearance of vessels and legs is improving.
  • The reception of vitamins will strengthen the entire body as a whole, increase their resilience, strengthen the metabolism and cell renewal. Special attention in varicose veins are divided into such vitamins as C, R, E.
  • Antiagregants The doctor may assign in the threat of thrombosis.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs will help relieve inflammation, reduce pain, will be removed the neighboring veins from the defeat, will reduce the likelihood of thrombosis.

In aggregate with oral preparations, it is necessary to produce outdoor treatment. For this use various creams, ointments, gels. As an independent therapeutic agent, they are not as effective, but in a complex with oral agents, there is a significant impact on the veins.

Mazi and other external means can be divided into two large groups:

  • Those that remove swelling.
  • Those that strengthen the walls of the vessels.

The most popular for the treatment of varicose veins are considered to be trocsevazine, heparin ointment, lioton, hepathersbin and others. The main thing is to remember that any drugs must be appointed only by a doctor, they are individually selected, depending on the severity of the disease, the features of its flow, stage and other factors.

Features of food in varicose

The diet also plays a considerable role in eliminating the veins on the legs. If there is an overweight, you need to fight it. If there is no extra weight, and the varicose veins is present, then proper nutrition will help increase the body's forces, lift the tone.

  • We need to eat often and small portions.
  • Emphasis in the diet should be done on vegetables and fruits.
  • Prefer vegetation fats.
  • Control the fluid delay in the body, as soon as the edema appeared, you need to urgently consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate therapy.
  • Diverse the diet with seafood and fish, they will allow vessels to be in a tone.

Massage and physiotherapy procedures

Massage will also help alleviate and improve the condition in varicose veins, but should do a specialist. Of course, you can do it yourself at home, but in this case you need to get several lessons from a professional so that it is not a massage by massage harm to your body.

If the doctor prescribed physiotherapy, then, in the case of varicose veins, Dorsanval is used. The alternating current is positively affected by the tissue, enhances the metabolism, which is positively affected by the state of the vessels.

Folk Methods

Leeches. Of course, the hirudotherapy is not suitable for everyone, many simply fear leeches and via them on their own body, they are not able to react adequately. However, remember that treatment with leeches will allow to get rid of edema and suspend inflammation.

Also use various decoctions, infusions, usually folk remedies apply only for outdoor use. So for example, vegetable oil with rubbish garlic perfectly remove swelling and pain.

But with folk remedies, you need to be as cautious as possible, many of them may have a placebo effect and their reception will be more affected by a psychological state than to reduce varicose veins.

Operational intervention

But if all of the above actions have not led to due results and varicose varicoses continued its development, then without surgery it is not necessary. Operations are also divided into two types of gravity.

To the first, so let's say, light type, you can attribute sclerotherapy and laser therapy. Sclerotherapy implies puncture in the type of puncture, entering a special preparation, which gluits particularly fragile areas and will evenly distribute the blood flow. Treatment with a laser in turn, gives the doctor to remove the damaged area without a classic end. Plus, the procedures are that it in no way knocks the patient from ordinary life and does not even require hospitalization, immediately after surgery, the patient is completely mobile and moved.

The classic operation is usually assigned in the case when the defeat of the veins is already carrying a heavy and irreversible nature and other way to influence the veins no longer.

In general, the main thing in the treatment of varicose veins and veins on the legs is timely prevention. If the patient is in the risk group and assumes that sooner or later varicose varicose will develop, then you need to take the whole set of measures in advance so that this does not happen. An explicit sign of an impending varicose varicose can be gravity in the legs, the appearance of a vascular mesh. Timely campaign to the doctor and on time, the designated prevention and treatment will help avoid many problems.

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Irina 02/22/2019 at 1:32

i wear compression stockings for prevention of varicose veins and gel toning Horse Fors Maja foot with chestnut and leech extract,

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