Empty hands - the reason and what to do?

Empty hands - the reason and what to do?

Probably, each staying in an inconvenient position for a long time, for example, during sleep, felt like some hands. The pressure on the nerves can lead to the fact that we will "stop feeling", feelings disappear when you are moving with your hand. Thus, the feeling of numbness indicates the timelessness of the nerves, which can be safe or pathological.

Common causes of numbness

  • Blood impairment - the blood flow of blood vessels is difficult.
  • Damage to nerves in the peripheral nervous system as a result of diseases.
  • Violation in metabolism and hormonal imbalance
  • Consequences of injuries, signs of wear of the joints, as well as the presence of benign or malignant tumors

When is a doctor consultation?

In what cases should pay attention to numbers?

  • Tingling or numbers starts suddenly and without visible causes.
  • They are very painful and durable.

The doctor will appoint the necessary surveys that will help to make a diagnosis and appoint effective treatment.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

This is one of the most common causes of numbers. With it, the pain in the neck may not be permanent, and you notice only a mad hand or part of your hand. If the neck during sleep is in an inconvenient position, and the muscles that protect it during the day are relaxing, then the nerves can clarify, and the hands are not easy. A special cervical collar (roller) will help with this problem (roller), which is put on the night for fixing the position.

Thyroid problems

Inflammatory processes The various formation of inflamed thyroid gland can cause damage to the nerves that transmit information from the head and spinal cord to the other parts of your body. Usually thyroid diseases are accompanied by an increase in weight, a feeling of cold, difficult to swallowing.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

This is a state at which the mid-al-nerve passing from the forearm in the brush is pinned in the wrist. The disease is distributed among people for a long time working at the computer. If the location of your desktop requires you to put your wrist on the edge or a solid surface when you print or press the mouse, then you are threatened. Along with numbness, the symptoms of the custod canal syndrome include the swelling of one or more fingers.

If you have already encountered a similar problem, inform her to your doctor as soon as possible. Do not tighten with treatment for too long, you may need an operation to free your implanted nerve. The prevention of this disease is a comfortable posture during operation and rest for your brush in the intervals between the work.

Ganglia wrist

Ganglia (degenerative cysts) are benign cysts that can be formed anywhere in your body, but usually appear on the joints or around them. If at least one cyst was formed on your wrist, then the symptom of unbreaking hands will exacerbate the problem.

These cysts sometimes pass on their own. If this does not happen, then the testimony of the doctor is surgical intervention.

Reino disease

If your numbness is accompanied by the loss of the sensitivity of the fingers, you may have a Raino disease, a condition in which small arteries supplying the skin with blood are narrowed and preventing normal blood circulation. For this disease, the defeat of both limbs is characteristic. Reyo can be painful, and some people notice that their fingers become white or blue during an attack. Experts have not fully studied the causes of this disease, but on observations of women are more susceptible to him.

Alcoholic disorders

Neuropathy - damage to nerves due to long-use alcohol. Half of all people with heavy forms of alcoholism familiar to this condition. In addition to numbers, other symptoms can be present, including the sensations of "pins and needles" in the legs, weakness of muscles or spasms.


Digging hands or tingling in them can be a sign and more serious illness. For example, stroke. If such symptoms are added to numbness, such symptoms are added, problems with orientation in space, dizziness and blurred vision, without hesitation, please contact the doctor.

Even if you are young, you still can be stroke. About 10 percent of all stratified strokes are people younger than 45 years. Be healthy and physically active does not mean that you are not at risk of this disease.

Prevention and treatment of non-night hands

Preventing the occurrence of temporary symptoms of numbness can be treated by changing lifestyle:

  • Avoid repetitive movements, uncomfortable provisions that have excessive pressure on hand.
  • Do not abuse alcohol.
  • Support the optimal weight using exercise, as well as a balanced diet, it can prevent and monitor metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes.
  • Get special devices to support the wrists during the text set, take breaks during the day to reduce the compression and irritation of the nerves in your hands.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

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Tasya 26/10/2021 at 13:06.

When I noticed such a fairly often, immediately ran to the doctor. He told me that the neuropathy could develop, so it is important to prevent her further progress. Evalarov Honda Neuro advised to take and walk on physiotions. It all restores damaged nerve fibers and normalizes the transmission of nerve impulses. Numbness went pretty quickly, now calm.

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