What if legs swell?

What if legs swell?

Email legs and ankles spoil your life? Foot stretches are very common among the female half of the population. Edema gives a feeling of inconvenience, fatigue, tingling sometimes and pain in the legs. This is not a disease itself, but a symptom or indicator that warns about health problems

Signs of edema legs

  1. Email one or both lower limbs;
  2. There is a sense of pressure or gravity in the legs;
  3. Feel difficult when walking;
  4. The presence of itching the skin;
  5. Leather stretched and shiny;
  6. The pressure icon in the form of a deepening remains on the skin when pressed with a thumb.

On the chair

What are the reasons appear edema legs?

Ankles, legs and feet tend to swelling with some ease, because, in addition to the support of our weight, various moments also affect them. There are several reasons that can affect the swelling of the ankles, legs and a step. Among them are the most common reasons:

  • For a person suffering from heart failure or lung disease, the appearance or an increase in edema may mean that the main disease aggravated, it should also consult.
  • In cases of chronic lung diseases (emphysema, chronic bronchitis). These diseases enhance the pressure in the blood vessels, producing a cluster of fluid in the legs and legs.
  • Advanced age in itself contributes to venous insufficiency.


  • Hormonal changes in women during menopause.
  • Edema is usually associated with diseases of the blood system, including veins (venous insufficiency, sometimes complicated by varicose veins). Indeed, when small blood vessels, called capillaries, are exposed to too much pressure or damaged, they can allow liquids, mainly water, accumulating in the surrounding tissues.
  • Sometimes swelling arises from receiving certain medicines. After absorption of certain drugs, such as those that expand blood vessels, as well as estrogens, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory preparations (NSAIDs) or calcium antagonists. Carefully read the instructions for drugs
  • Extraked legs can be with standing or sitting too long, especially in hot weather.
  • During pregnancy, the uterus presses on a hollow vein - a blood vessel, along which the blood from the legs is transported to the heart. In women, during pregnancy, legs will also have a more serious origin - preeclampsia.
  • Flebit is another reason for the swelling of the legs.
  • Edema may occur in the case of a liver cirrhosis.
  • After an accident or surgery.
  • Due to problems in the lymphatic system.


When should I consult?

  • In most cases, the edema of the legs is completely harmless. Mostly they disappear during the day. For longer or duplicate edema legs, you should consult with your doctor. It urgently needs a visit to the doctor when the legs suddenly swell, and the tumors are accompanied by a feeling of heat in the legs or pain. If additional symptoms occur during edema: fever, shortness of breath or chest pain - urgency required.
  • If the edema appeared against the background of a soft state, it is better to consult a doctor to determine the cause and offered treatment if necessary. Treatment of leg edema usually requires the treatment of the main disease or eliminate the problem.
  • The emergence of persistent bilateral edema should lead you to a doctor. Swelling, which suddenly appears on one leg, can be caused by thrombophlebitis, with it should immediately appeal.
  • Whatever his reason, it always leads to one therapeutic answer: drainage (medicinal or physiotherapy), massage and compression. Proper nutrition and gymnastic exercises are also important.
  • Diuretics can be appointed by a doctor to increase drainage through the kidneys, thereby freeing from excess fluid.
  • Squeeze your legs need to compression stockings, which actually compress the leg to raise blood and lymph. Should you wear them from morning to evening? Yes! This is an excellent solution. With their help, the swelling is significantly reduced.


What to do to reduce or remove swelling?

  • Edema can also be treated with cold compresses. Cold stimulation causes excessive tissue fluid to enter the bloodstream and transported in the direction of the kidneys. In addition, a fruit vinegar can be added to the water. However, cold robes are not suitable for each patient, so the patient must first talk to the doctor in advance.
  • Positive affects the contrasting shower for the legs.
  • One of the classic and excellent feeds for edema removal are baths with epsom salts. These salts help to relax limbs, reduce swelling and stimulate blood circulation. Recommended: Add a cup of epsom salts to a bath with warm water and immerse the whole body for 15 minutes. If the tumor affects the ankles and legs, you can prepare a mixture in a bowl and immerse your feet for 20 minutes.
  • Although the tumor in the ankles, and the legs can be a bit painful, physical inactivity may worsen the state. Contrary to common judgment, physical training is one of the best deflation and inflammation methods in the lower limbs. Exercise activates blood circulation and prevents problems such as blood thickening. Recommended: Swimming practice. This exercise is a mild effect and does not require greater pressure on the ankle, and legs.
  • Avoid direct leg heating, for example, in the furnace or fireplace.


  • Use comfortable and loose clothes. You need to avoid socks that are dragging the ankles, and pants that tighten the abdomen.
  • If it is inevitable, so you stay to sit for a long time, place the legs up.
  • During sleep, put your legs on the pillow so that they are higher than the rest of the body.
  • Sitting, from time to time, move your fingers and ankles.
  • Take a shower with warm water, and finish cold water splashes. Start with the ankle and finish on the hip. Repeat this procedure several times.
  • Wear comfortable shoes, avoiding high heels, but also completely flat shoes.
  • Do not cross legs.
  • Finish the day by applying massages on the legs, if possible, with a cold gel, starting with the ankles to finish in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin, providing a small pressure to promote blood return. Massage will remove gravity and pain, facilitates the state. The lymph nodes located under the worships, in the abdomen, in the fold and knees are stimulated by soft gods.


Correctly manifest - edema will decrease

Your legs are heavy and swollen at the end of the day? Are you prone to retention of water? Regardless of the cause, your diet can play a key role. Here are some simple tips:

  • Adhere to the low salt diet - the body will restrain less water, which contributes to rapid water exchange.
  • Dandelion is a very popular diuretic plant. Its properties can help you fight fluid retention and thereby reduce the edema of the limbs. We recommend: Prepare a dandelion tincture and drink three cups per day. It can also be applied directly to the affected limbs using a cloth or towel.


If, despite the following tips in your daily life, your problem of swollen legs continues, do not hesitate to contact your doctor or physiotherapist to find other solutions.

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