Neighted fingers of the hands - the reason and what to do?

Neighted fingers of the hands - the reason and what to do?

The numbness of the fingers is a fairly common symptom, which is found in people of different ages and professions. This phenomenon can signal about various diseases or failures in the work of the body.

External reasons

If numbness is felt in the morning after awakening, which takes place a few minutes later, this indicates the transfer of the arteries as a result of an uncomfortable posture. You can remove the symptoms with a light workout. Another tingling arises because of close clothes, which squeezes the arteries, disturbing blood circulation. It is necessary to beat the alarm if the fingertips are constantly constantly, because it indicates violations requiring treatment.

Internal causes of symptom

There are many diseases for which the numbness of the fingers is characteristic:

  • Osteochondrosis. At the same time, the tips of the fingers of one hand are eager.
  • Syndrome of the carpal canal. At the same time, the nerve is thrown into the wrist, as a result, the fingers of the hands swell and hurt. Most often, the syndrome occurs in people who are long in one position, for example, programmers.
  • Polynevropathy. This is a problem that occurs in nervous plexuses, because of which hands are often eating. It arises due to infections, anemia or avitaminosis.
  • Reino disease. During the disease, there are two hands immediately due to the blood circulation disorders in the vessels.
  • Thrombosis. Process of blockage Tromb breaks blood circulation. Blood does not come to the tips of the extremities, therefore, they are deprived of the nutrient elements and are not eaten.
  • Burning vessels. If numbness occurs in one hand, the headache appears and the pressure increases, then this is a signal about the stroke approximation.

Another numbness may appear in rheumatism, injuries of hands, diseases of the endocrine system or arthrosis.

How to treat loss of sensitivity?

The tactile sensation failure is only a symptom of the disease, to determine which diagnosis will help. At the same time, it is necessary to treat itself. Drug treatment can remove swelling, reduce pain and spasm, to improve the activities of vessels, as well as derive harmful products. The most common treatment is the reception of vitamins and minerals, as well as chondroprotectors that affect the normal trophy and the foundation itself.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Medical treatment allows you to remove swelling, remove the pain, to establish the operation of the bloodstream and the nervous system. But at the same time physiotional physiothers are very important. They contribute to the normalization of blood circulation, as well as the restoration of damaged tissues:

  • Electrophoresis with hydrocortisone and lidase. Removes pain, inflammation of joints in arthritis.
  • Magnetotherapy, ultrasound, laser impact.
  • Acupuncture. The event is aimed at active points to reduce spasm. The complex is designed to relax certain muscle groups.
  • Sports activities. Healthy lifestyle will help to cope with the problem. Also favorably affects gymnastics and massage procedures that are designed to return sensitivity.


If the cause of the numbness of the fingers is a pitch, then in this case no treatment is necessary. It is recommended to perform simple exercises for some time - it is compressing and connecting the brushes. If there are pain in numbness, folk remedies will help:

  • A mixture of oil and pepper. Take 20g black pepper and peel it in 0.2 liter of vegetable oil throughout half an hour. Such a mixture enhances blood circulation when rubing it into the limb.
  • Pumpkin porridge. It must be applied on the brushes and fingers. Then cover with polyethylene and bought a woolen scarf.
  • Alcohol tincture of a saber of swamp and nettle. Herbs are the same pieces of herbs and pour vodka. After this is insistant within twenty days. This tool removes the inflammatory process and activates blood circulation. The tincture rubs into limbs.
  • Contrast baths. The limbs take turns to dip in cold and hot water. This will improve tactile sensations. It is advisable to apply during the day.
  • Compress with a bolt. Take 150 g of saline, 50 grams of Domexide, 2 ampoules of the hydrocarticisone and 5 ampoules of lidocaine. The tool is applied during numbness, which is associated with arthrosis.

Before using the above funds, you need to consult with your doctor. Some means can cause an allergic reaction.

The main goal is to pay attention to the symptom at the beginning of the disease, which resulted in numbers. At the same time, it is necessary to control the work of the cardiovascular system, follow the joints and the spine. In addition, it is impossible to transfer, prevent excessive physical exertion and avoid injury to the limbs.

In other words, it is important to stick to a healthy lifestyle and eat right. Loads on the body must correspond to the age of a person. In the case of monotonous work, it is recommended to alternate work and rest.

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