What to do if she climbed the neck?

What to do if she climbed the neck?

The neck can pinch at the most inopportune moment. It is impossible to predict this process. Discomfort, pain and absolute helplessness feels a person who has frowning. How to remove pain symptoms and quickly return to the usual way of life, described in detail in our article.

Causes of pinching neck

Any adult person, at least once in his life, came across the pinching neck. Only everyone transfers pain in different ways, depending on the individual painful vice. The reasons for pinching can be very much, they include:

  • incorrect position during sleep (sleeping person cannot control his movements in a dream);
  • sharp rise from bed after sleeping;
  • sharp turn or tilt head aside;
  • uncomfortable, solid or too soft pillow (pinching can not even happen in a dream, and when a person is simply faced with a pillow);
  • physical exertion, lifting weight;
  • supercooling;
  • stress and nervous shock;
  • neck injury in the past;
  • exacerbation of the cervical osteochondrosis.

Symptoms of pinching nerve in the cervical

Few people know that in medical terminology there is no concept of "pinching the neck", there is a diagnosis of "pinching the nerve of the cervical". It is damaged nerve that gives a strong sharp pain and does not give turning his head to the sides. Sometimes a person can confuse pinching with other diseases. To accurately diagnose pinching neck, read the number of characteristic symptoms:

  • strong headache and migraine (most often pain is localized in the occipital part);
  • numbness and sensation of light tingling in the back of the head;
  • painfully swallow, the language is partially or completely ease;
  • the head of the head turn is significantly reduced;
  • freely omit and raise your head impossible;
  • pain in the left clavicle (often this symptom is confused with a heart attack);
  • onming the pillows of the fingers in the hands.

How to treat pinching neck?

A pinched nerve in the neck is applied to treatment, but not very fast. Often, patients are advised to consult a chiropractor. He makes a special massage to relieve the tension of the neck muscles, thereby, facilitate a pinched nerve condition. Also, methods of treating a patient's neck include:

  • acupuncture (refer only necessary to checked skilled);
  • special exercises to relieve pain (physical therapy will not only take away the pain, but also to prevent the re-jamming);
  • intramuscular injections, which contribute to the relaxation of muscles (Diclofenac, Ketonal);
  • b vitamins in the form of injections;
  • warming ointments, gels, salves (Dolobene, Ketorol, Fastum gel, etc.);
  • pine and turpentine baths;
  • application of painkillers tablets or injections (Nurofen, Nimesil and t. d.).

Folk remedies treat pinched neck

If you are unable to go to the reception to the therapist or you are a supporter of traditional medicine, then your attention is invited to simple recipes:

  • slightly warm salt in the pan, to shift it into a pouch attached to the neck for about 10 minutes;
  • rub neck brandy and wrap her scarf;
  • to take a bath with the addition of pine extract;
  • 100 g of honey to add 2 grams of red pepper, homemade ointment used 3 times a day;
  • fresh cabbage leaf attached to the patient site and roll up the scarf.


Remove the pain in the neck, which appeared after sleep will help a few simple exercises.

  • head lower down, try to touch the chin, chest, fix the position of 30 sec .;
  • hold forehead fingertips of his right hand and his head is resisted;
  • lift your shoulders and hold them for 30 seconds .;
  • keep the blades and are in this position as long as possible;
  • remove the right hand the left ear through the head, left hand behind his back to have (exercise repeated after changing hands).

Do not self-medicate and do not overuse painkillers. If pain persists for more than 5 days, please contact the hospital.

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